<原著>成人T細胞白血病由来因子の防御効果 : 腫瘍壊死因子の細胞障害への影響
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Adult T cell leukemia-derived factor (ADF) is a human homologue of thioredoxin (TRX) with many biological functions including interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) induction, growth promotion, thiol-dependent reducing activity, and radical scavenging activity. The regulatory effect of ADF on the cytotoxic activity of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was examined by using a human histiocytic lymphoma cell line, U937. When U937 cells were preincubated with recombinant ADF (rADF) (0.1-100μg/ml) at 37℃ for 30min, TNF-dependent cytotoxicity against U937 cells was markedly inhibited. This inhibitory effect was 95% in the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide assay (rADF 100 μg/ml) and 85% in the ^<51>Crreleasing assay (rADF 10μg/ml). After pretreatment of U937 cells with interferon-γ (IFN-γ) to augment the sensitivity to TNF, an inhibitory effect of rADF was also noted. U937 cells washed after preincubation with rADF also showed resistence to TNF-dependent cytotoxicity. This indicated that rADF inhibited the sensitivity of TNF receptors on U937 to TNF-dependent cytotoxicity rather than modifying TNF molecules. Scatchard analysis of TNF receptors on U937 cells using ^<125>I-TNF showed that rADF modulated neither the density of the receptors nor the affinity of the cell membrane significantly. rADF also reduced the cytotoxicity induced by anti-Fas IgM moAb which shows cytotoxicity quite similar to TNF. rADF (10μg/ml) reduced 90% of the cytotoxicity by anti-Fas IgM moAb, without a detectable change either in Fas Ag expression (MFI 58.1 vs 53.3) or in the degradation of anti-Fas IgM moAb as determined by flow cytometric analysis. These findings indicatd that the rADF-induced resistence to the cytotoxic effect of TNF and anti-Fas moAb was not related to the modulation of the TNF receptor or Fas Ag.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1992-12-25
松田 光弘
医療法人宝生会pl病院 内科
松田 光弘
近畿大学 医学部 血液腎臓膠原病内科
松田 光弘
松田 光弘
松田 光弘
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