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A new method was developed for quantitating coronary artery flow using a Doppler catheter equipped with 20 MHz a side-mounted transducer for measuring blood velocity profile in the artery by the pulsed Doppler method. In model experimental mode of vinyl tubes, a good correlation was obtained between flows recorded by the Doppler catheter and the electromagnetic flowmeter. If the flow profile is parabolic and the peak flow velocity is measured in a tube, the flow rate can be calculated as a half of the peak velocity multiplied by the cross-sectional area of the tube. To estimate the peak flow velocity in an artery using the Doppler catheter, the following equation was constructed : Vp=K×V(θ) in which K=1.021-0.006×θ+0.0007×θ^2,where Vp is peak velocity, V(θ) the near peak flow velocity, depending on the causal position of the Doppler catheter, K is a constant value and θ represents the angle between the ideal ultrasound beam and the actual ultrasound beam. Experiments performed on the femoral and left circumflex coronary arteries in dogs revealed a good correlation between the flows measured by the Doppler catheter, corrected by the proposed equation, and by the flowmeter. These results suggest that coronary artery flow in humans can be determined using the Doppler catheter method corrected by the proposed equation.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1990-09-25
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