<原著>心房臓器錯位症候群 : 新しい概念の提案とその臨床的意義
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Heterotaxia of atrium and/or thoracoabdominal organs has various symptoms and is not appropriately comprehended by traditional concepts such as "asplenia syndrome" and "polysplenia syndrome". Therefore, a new concept of "atrio-visceral heterotaxy syndrome" is introduced to help understand the group. Based on the concept, all cases with abnormal situs of 3 organs are clinically diagnosed as belonging to the syndrome, Study of clinical diagnostic techniques in the 3 situs showed that abdominal CT was simple and useful for morphological diagnosis of the spleen which has been previously regarded as the most difficult. In clinical feature, the traditional understanding of the relationship between asplenia and susceptibility to infection and emphasize the necessity for further immunological study. A life-table study revealed that surgical treatment markedly contributed to improvement of short- and long-term prognosis in "left isomerism" and not to improvement of long-term prognosis in "right isomerism".
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1989-09-25
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