<原著>アルキル化発癌剤N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidineおよび1,2-dimethylhydrazineのラット腸癌発癌過程の研究 : 腸粘膜上皮内DNA中のO^6-methylguanine量の測定
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Reliable modalities for the induction of large bowel cancer in animal models include the administration of intrarectal instillation of N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) and subcutaneous injection of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) to rodents. Also O^6-methylguanine (O^6-MeGua) is likely to interfere with DNA base-pair hydrogen bonding and is possibly the major DNA modification responsible for the induction of GC-AT transition mutations by alkylating agents. Thence in this study, after administration of MNNG and DMH, the intestinal mucosa was removed and DNA was isolated by Margison's method. O^6-MeGua was measured by means of reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fluorescence detector. A positive relationship was observed between colon carcinogenicity and the ratios of O^6-MeGua formed after the treatment with MNNG in experiments of intrarectal instillation of MNNG to rats. The result of repeated administration of MNNG (once a day) showed that the amount of O^6-MeGua kept increasing till the second day but decreased on the fourth day. In experiments of subcutaneous administration of DMH, maximum O^6-MeGua occurred within 24 hours, with highest concentrations in the distal colon. After ileum-colon transposition, the ratio of O^6-MeGua formed in the transposed ileum segment was much higher than those in non-operated ileum and pseudo-transposed ileum. These results suggest that the transposed ileum has high susceptibility to DMH. Thus, the relation between the carcinogenicity of intrarectal instillation of MNNG and subcutaneous injection of DMH and the amount of O^6-MeGua in DNA proved to be significant, which may be useful to facilitate the study of carcinogenic mechanism of such agents.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1986-06-25
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