- 論文の詳細を見る
66 patients treated with intracranial operation (aneurysm 27,A-V malformation 10,brain tumor 17 and others) were clinically observed in several points of vital signs, in-out water balance and serum natrium under the infusion therapy performed during 3 days after surgery. These patients were devided into 3 groups, group I treated with lactated Ringer's solution, group II with low sodium solution and group III with lactated Ringer's and low sodium solutions. In the group I treated with lactated Ringer's solution, better results in all clinical points could be recognized. After intracranial operation, the function of osmoreceptor of the hypothalamus would be in disturbance and permeability of the Blood-Brain-Barrier would be increased. When the brain edema exists, water in the ICF space shoud be removed out and production of the non-functional ECF should be suppressed. Infusion agent should be selected for this purpose, to keep the homeostatic function about the osmotic pressure between the ICF and ECF.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1976-12-28
- 23.双生児の一児にみられたNo.10 cleftの手術経験
- 眼球振盪および平衡障害患者の筋電図と治療経過
- 高血圧性脳出血とくに被殻出血の外科的治療における予後因子(B 臨床的研究)
- 緊張性振動反射(TVR)を用いた高血圧性中枢神経障害の筋電図学的検討(B 臨床的研究)
- 17.脊髄硬膜外電気刺激により除痛効果の得られた頸椎脊髄症の1例
- 25.加齢によるCT常数の減少と臨床的意義
- 21.高血圧性頭蓋内出血により惹起した筋緊張亢進の推移に関する筋電図学的検討
- 13.頭部外傷幼児にみられたabnormal synkinesisの1例
- 痛みに対する非破壊的経皮電気刺激療法の臨床経験
- 脳神経外科手術に於ける輸液療法の問題点について