イギリス法にみる故意的拒否(Wilful Refusal)による結婚の非完成(Non-Consummation)について : 性的不能(Incapacity)の性交(Sexual intercourse)を通してみた故意的拒否について
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This main subject is based on the problem of Non-Consummation of Marriage owing to the Wilful Refusal which is deeply connected with the sexual intercourse on the Incapacity in English Reports. And also I looked it into the Reports on the Committee stages of Parliamentary Debates and other relative Reports from the view point of whether its having been a reasonable situation or not on the ground of the Nullity of Marriage. What is the meaning of the Consummation of Marriage and the meaning of the sexual intercourse? What degree of sexual relationship is required on marriage? It is an unmanageable and undesirable problem for us to reveal the bed-time of marriage bond. After all I have come to one conclusion that the Wilful Refusal is now for its ground of nullity of marriage at the present stage.
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- イギリス法にみる故意的拒否(Wilful Refusal)による結婚の非完成(Non-Consummation)について : 性的不能(Incapacity)の性交(Sexual intercourse)を通してみた故意的拒否について
- 結婚契約無効にあらわれた強迫(duress) : (その2)- 「ー恐怖が果して成程と思われる恐怖であるかを問わず-」 "fear - whether reasonably entertained or not -" をめぐるその後の事例について
- 結婚契約無効にあらわれた強迫(duress) : (その1)- Scott v. Sebrigth [1886] 12p. D.21 -
- イギリスにおける結婚無効申立事例
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- 日本国憲法第9条,『戦争の放棄』の解釈について