- 論文の詳細を見る
The authors are striving to evolve computer procedures to utilize APT pictures that are transmitted by meteorological satellite, NOAA, more intensively, One of the results accomplished from the efforts is the production of sea surface temperature map drawn on the infra-red APT picture of NOAA. To make the map more accurately, it is needed more pictures. The satellite, NOAA passes over the observing area of the ocean only twice a day. The authors have received APT pictures from Feng Yun-1B, the second Chinese polar orbiting meteorological satellite, to resolve the above problem. But as they know, the conversion procedure of Feng Yun-1B's infrared APT picture into sea surface temperature has not been announced officially. They have established a calibration procedure of the picture of Feng Yun-1B by comparing to APT picture of NOAA. At first, the voltage values of each picture element of Feng Yun-1B APT picture are converted to it's gray scale value and succeedingly to the gray scale value of NOAA APT picture, that corresponds to sea surface temperature.
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