- 論文の詳細を見る
At the interface between the metal and the solution which contains some dissociative impurities, the electric double layer builds up. Inside of the solution this layer consists of the adhesion layer and the diffuse layer. In general, the adhesion layer is called Stern layer. The distance from just outside of Stern layer where the potential is E_φ to the location where the potential V(x) is 1/e of E_φ called the thickness λ of the electric double layer. Where e is the logarithmic base. λ=√<_εkT/2(ze)^2.n_0>(m). Where εis the permittivity of the solution, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature of the solution, ze is the chrge and n_0 is the concentration of the dissociated ions. But no one used this equation because of the difficulty of the determination of n_0 and calculated λ by the equation of √<Δm. τ> approximately. Where Δm is the ionic diffusibility and τ is the relaxation time constant of the solution. Authors determined n_0 by the new method and calculated the correct value on n-alcohol. Furthermore authors clarified the respective roles of the solute and the solvent in the solution which have an effect on the streaming electrification of the solution.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
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