<原著論文>排便後「紙で拭く」動作の検討 : 健常者と脳卒中片麻痺者を比較して
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The purpose of this study is to clarify the difference between patients with cerebrovascular accident hemiplegia (CVA) and healthy volunteers in wiping movement after excretion. The authors analyzed the movement of defecation by observation and questionnaire. The results show that there were six types of wiping movement in healthy volunteers. There was a significant difference in wiping types between healthy volunteers and CVA. Most CVA wiped with paper after excretion, in the sitting position from the front, while there were a variety of types among healthy volunteers. Moreover, there was a gender difference in wiping movement; the male wiped from the back whereas the female had the tendency to wipe from the front. It was infered that this difference was the influence of external genitals. It was suggested that it is necessary to consider the type of wiping before the onset of CVA of each patient when an occupational therapist perform the training operation of defecation for the CVA.
貝淵 正人
遠山 郁子
木嶋 徳子
前田 美奈子
遠山 郁子
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- 排便後「紙で拭く」動作の検討 : 健常者と脳卒中片麻痺者を比較して
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