- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, in order to explain the characteristics of topography in Akkeshi town, examination on effective application of digital maps in an open class was done. A bird's-eye view of Akkeshi town is a good tool to show the development of rocky coasts and marine terraces and also to show the channel patterns of Bekanbeushi river and Oboro river. A cross section is helpful in explaining the difference between the typical shape of stream valleys which are formed in hard rock area and the typical one formed in comparatively soft rock area. On the other hand, a longitudinal section of each river is suitable for the beginners who try to understand the mechanism of sediment transport in a river. Using digital maps, a lecturer can draw easily the figures described above.
- 北海道教育大学の論文
- 釧路湿原とその周辺の旧海岸地形
- 砂浜海岸での野外学習に関する自然地理学的考察
- レイクアイス(湖氷)の圧縮強度特性
- 北広島市中の沢にみられるクロスラミナについて
- 塘路湖における湖氷縦断形の変化
- シマトッカリ川における野外学習と事後指導
- 生涯学習講座における数値地図の利用(II)
- 生涯学習講座における数値地図の利用
- 湖氷の移動と湖岸地形の変化
- 湖岸への氷板の乗り上げに伴う地形変化
- 砂浜海岸における汀線に直角方向の堆積物移動
- Large cuspの形成とその発達に関する研究