- 論文の詳細を見る
The objective of this paper is to clarify the business status and the business strategy of the major private companies to the elderly care service market by regions and forms under the public long-term nursing care insurance. The data used in this paper contains the 21 major companies running their business over 2 blocks or more administrative districts. Our analyses are the following. (1) We can see the strong correlation between the operating area and the head office location. Many companies are undertaking activities in the Kanto (around Tokyo) district (37.2%), and Tohkai (nearby Kanto) and the Kinki (around Osaka) district (23.3%) where their head offices are located in. (2) Many companies provide two or more services, the 21 major companies are offering about four kinds of services over the average. In service, many (60.4%) enterprises supply the home care services, which can be developed by small initial investment. (3) They withdraw their business more in city areas than in towns-and-villages areas. It is said that many private enterprises retire their business from the towns-and-villages area with a small demand. However, the result we got here is reversed one. (4) The business strategy of the private major companyies is divided into two types. One is throughout the country establishment business strategy in which the service center was set up also in the towns-and-villages area with a small profit, in order to build a nationwide service network. Another strategy is the area limited establishment business strategy in which the service center was set up in the city areas to the certainly securable client. When compared with the balance of current account of both types, the throughout the country establishment company is in the deficit tendency generally, and the area limited establishment company is in the surplus. Therefore, it clarified that the service center establishment strategy in the present the elderly care service market has effective set up in the city areas.
- 岩手県立大学の論文
- 2003-03-30
宣 賢奎
吉田 浩
宮城 好郎
宣 賢奎
吉田 浩
吉田 浩
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