- 論文の詳細を見る
BCH codes are random error correcting codes and are not suitable for burst error correcting. Profitable codes for burst error correction are interleaved codes of random error correcting codes, Reed-Solomon codes, product codes, and so on. In this paper, coding and decoding for new binary BCH product codes are proposed, and characteristics of proposed codes are examined. Proposed odes are variations of product codes that makes parity bits for binary BCH codes. The proposed codes are subsets of Reed-Solomon codes. The decoding algorithm of Reed-Solomon codes can be applicable to the decoding algorithm of proposed codes. Probability of corrected error Pc is calculated by introduced theoretical equation and computer simulation test. The calculated results are similar to each other. Probability of decoding error Pe characteristics is analyzed by only by computer simulation test. The probability of decoding error Pe (8.75^*10-4E) is less than the probability of decoding error Pe (9.71^*10-2E) of conventional BCH code. Decoding time of proposed codes is about one half of conventional BCH codes. The proposed code has good characteristics of decoding error probability Pe and high speed decoding characteristics.
- 前橋工科大学の論文
- 1998-04-09
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