On a study of extracting salient points
Hama Hiromitsu
Department Of Information And Communication Engineering Osaka City University
Guohua Jiang
Department of Information and Computer Engineering, Osaka City University
- T/TおよびDサブテンプレートマッチング : 極端に劣化した交通標識や看板の画像のロバストな認識
- 凹状の表面を持つ物体の3次元形状モデリング
- Feature-point tracking evaluation method
- An accurate method for finding the control points of bezier curves
- Dam in continuous time
- On development of assistance tools for hearing impaired : multi-modal communication and vibrators
- Automatic feature detection using pattern projection for person identification
- On a estimation method of sound source directions using a reflection board
- Estimating the motion parameters of moving camera from perspective image sequences
- The 3-D box method for recovering shapes of 3-D objects from multi-images
- On the PC interface for hearing-impaired
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- Evaluating skin condition using cosmetics by image processing of cheek replica
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- A study of extraction of activation areas on PET images
- A fast algorithm of neighborhood coding and operations in neighborhood coding image
- Recovering the 3D B-Spline Control Points of the Free Curves for Shape Reforming (Special Issue on Image Recognition and Understanding)
- On a study of extracting salient points
- On the PC interface for hearing-impaired
- Evaluating skin condition using cosmetics by image processing of cheek replica
- Musical instrument identificaton by analyzing frequency spectrum