Occupational Exposure and Chronic Respiratory Symptoms-A population based study in Vietnam-
Matsuda Shinya
Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Occupational and Environmental
Trinh Le
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
Hoai Nguyen
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
LUONG Nguyen
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
JONAI Hiroshi
Department of Occupational Diseases,National Institute of Industrial Health,Japan
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
GONG NguyenThe
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
HIEN Hoang
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
DAT Phung
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
TRI Dang
National Institute of Labour Protection,Vietnam
Hien Hoang
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
Matsuda S
Univ. Occupational And Environmental Health Kitakyushu Jpn
Matsuda Shinya
Department Of Preventive Medicine And Community Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational
Dat Phung
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
Tri Dang
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
Thung Dinh
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
Luong Nguyen
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
Jonai H
Nihon Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Gong Nguyenthe
National Institute Of Labour Protection Vietnam
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