A proposal for stock biomass estimate of Euphausia superba DANA by the environmental index Q200 in comparison with Hampton's method (extended abstract)
- Changes in the condition of the surface water and distribution of Euphausia superba DANA between 65゜E and 75゜E in the Antarctic Ocean during the pack ice melting season (extended abstract)
- Environmental factors for geographical distribution of Euphausia superba DANA (extended abstract)
- Temperature and geostrophic flow distributions along 90゜W, the Drake Passage and 30゜W in the Southern Ocean in December 1984-January 1985 (abstract)
- Meridional temperature gradient in the eastern Drake Passage in December 1984 (abstract)
- Ecological characteristics of Euphausia superba DANA in the Southern Ocean (abstract)
- Geostrophic flow between 30゜E and 120゜E in the Antarctic Ocean (extended abstract)
- Continuous changes of surface water temperatures at the Subtropical Convergence, the Australasian Subantarctic Front, and the Antarctic Convergence in the Southern Ocean (extended abstract)
- Geographical distribution of the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba DANA and its environmental structure (extended abstract)
- A proposal for stock biomass estimate of Euphausia superba DANA by the environmental index Q200 in comparison with Hampton's method (extended abstract)