Naganobu Mikio | Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Naganobu Mikio
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Komaki Yuzo
Far Sea Fisheries Research Laboratory
Komaki Yuzo
Far Seas Fisheries Research Laboratory
Nasu Keiji
Japan Fisheries Agency
Hirano Toshiyuki
Tokai University
Hirano Toshiyuki
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
Nasu Keiji
Tokai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory
Naganobu Mikio
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
- Changes in the condition of the surface water and distribution of Euphausia superba DANA between 65゜E and 75゜E in the Antarctic Ocean during the pack ice melting season (extended abstract)
- Environmental factors for geographical distribution of Euphausia superba DANA (extended abstract)
- Temperature and geostrophic flow distributions along 90゜W, the Drake Passage and 30゜W in the Southern Ocean in December 1984-January 1985 (abstract)
- Meridional temperature gradient in the eastern Drake Passage in December 1984 (abstract)
- Ecological characteristics of Euphausia superba DANA in the Southern Ocean (abstract)
- Geostrophic flow between 30゜E and 120゜E in the Antarctic Ocean (extended abstract)
- Continuous changes of surface water temperatures at the Subtropical Convergence, the Australasian Subantarctic Front, and the Antarctic Convergence in the Southern Ocean (extended abstract)
- Geographical distribution of the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba DANA and its environmental structure (extended abstract)
- A proposal for stock biomass estimate of Euphausia superba DANA by the environmental index Q200 in comparison with Hampton's method (extended abstract)