Mineralogical Examination of the Allan Hills No.5 Meteorite
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Electron microprobe studies have been made of pyroxenes from the Allan Hills No. 5 meteorite. This meteorite shows the brecciated texture and was identified as 'eucritic polymict breccia'. Representative pyroxenes in this meteorite can be classified into four groups : (A) Pyroxenes which have a chemically uniform core with a Fe-rich rim. (B) Pyroxenes which show both the Mg-Fe chemical zoning and the exsolution texture. (C) Pyroxene which consists of a portion which has a uniform core with a Fe-rich rim like Type (A) and another portion which shows the exsolution texture and the Mg-Fe chemical zoning like Type (B) within a single grain. (D) Juvinas-like pyroxenes which show the fine exsolution texture with the uniform chemical composition. By the discovery of these pyroxenes in this meteorite, it was proved that the pyroxenes contained in eucritic polymict breccias have a close genetic relationship. Based on the mineralogical examination of these pyroxenes and the surface brecciation process of our proposed layered crust model for an achondrite parent body, we suggested that the eucritic polymict breccia is a good candidate for its surface material.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Miyamoto Masamichi
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo
TAKEDA Hiroshi
Research Institute, Chiba Institute of Technology
Takeda Hiroshi
Mineralogical Institute, University of Tokyo
Yanai Keizo
National Institute of Polar Research
Takeda Hiroshi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science The University Of Tokyo
Haramura Hiroshi
Geological Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo
Haramura Hiroshi
Geological Institute Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
Miyamoto Masamichi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science The University Of Tokyo
Miyamoto Masamichi
Space And Planetary Science Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Miyamoto Masamichi
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Takeda Hiroshi
Mineralogical Institute Faculty Of Science University Of Tokyo
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- Foreword
- 40Ar-39Ar analyses of Yamato-75097 (L6) chondrite from Antarctica
- Chapter 26 Origin of Achondrites : Evolution of Materials in Primitive Planets : Part VII Formation of Asteroids and Meteorites : Origin of the Solar System