- 論文の詳細を見る
Sexual differences of dental crown measurements were investigated for the Neolithic Jomon people in Japan. In the first step of analysis, the sexual differences were compared among five regional groups of the Jomon people, and the modern Japanese. PENROSE's distances between the sexes suggested that the sexual differences in all the Jomon groups were larger than that in the modern Japanese. In the next step of analysis, the sexual differences were examined for the pooled Jomon samples. Most of the male crown diameters were significantly larger than the female ones. The discriminant function analyses for sexing the Jomon samples provided several effective discriminant functions based on various combinations of the dental crown measurements with the accuracy of 75-77 percent. These results should be useful for investigators for sexing damaged skeletal remains excavated from Jomon sites.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1993-12-22
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