トリコデルマおよび近縁菌群について-3-Trichoderma viride aggr.の3菌株とその有性時代〔英文〕
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The anamorphs of Hypocrea rufa PERS. : FR., H. rufa var, formosana Y. DOI, var. nov., and H. albo-medullosa Y. DOI were compared. Their conidia are green, warted and generally obovoid, ellipsid or subglobose, which are the characteristics of the Trichoderma viride PERS. : FR. aggr. delimited by RIFAI (1969). A Japanese strain of H. rufa produced the larger, more globose conidia among those three strains. The warts of its conidia are visible without using an oil immersion lens. The holotype specimen of Hypocrea rufa var. formosana produced ellipsoid or obovoid-ellipsoid, and medium-sized conidia. The holotype specimen of Hypocrea albo-medullosa produced mostly obovoid and the smaller conidia. The warts of conidia of the latter two species were generally visible only under an oil immersion lens. Three strains are considered to be included in the Hypocrea rufa group, which may correspond to the Trichoderma viride aggr. Each anamorph can be regarded as an independent Trichoderma species or its variety, respectively, although we did not give form-species names to them. "Anamorph of Hypocrea rufa" and so on are considered to be sufficient names for them for the present. Hypocrea rufa var. formosana Y. DOI was described and illustrated as a new variety in this paper. This variety resembles Hypocrea vinosa COOKE in their colour and shape of stromata, however, it can be discriminated from the latter species mainly by the ellipsoid or obovoid-ellipsoid, and warted conidia.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
土居 祥兌
Department Of Botany National Science Museum
Doi Yoshimichi
Department Of Botany National Science Museum
土居 則子
Laboratory of Food Manufacturing and Storage, Tokyo Kasei Daigaku
Doi Noriko
Laboratory Of Food Manufacturing And Strage
Laboratory of Food Manufacturing and Strage
豊沢 啓子
Laboratory of Food Manufacturing and Strage
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