Cytotoxicity of fresh NK1.1+ T cell receptor α/β+ thymocytes against a CD4+8+ thymocyte population associated with intact Fas @@S ' antigen expression on the target.
Arase Hisashi
Institute Of Immunological Science Hokkaido University
Arase Hisashi
Institute Of Immunological Science Hokkaido University Pharma S Ceutical Basic Research Laboratories
- Production of Minor Lymphocyte Stimulatory-1a Antigens from T Cell Subsets
- Contribution of host radioresistant T cells to the clonal elimination of minor lymphcyte stimulatory 1a reactive T cells in @@S ' mouse bone marrow chimeras.
- Cytotoxicity of fresh NK1.1+ T cell receptor α/β+ thymocytes against a CD4+8+ thymocyte population associated with intact Fas @@S ' antigen expression on the target.