Three cases of kindred with familial breast cancer in which carrier detection by BRCA gene testing was performed on family members
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-07-01
Ishioka Chikashi
Department Of Clinical Oncology Institute Of Development Aging And Cancer Tohoku University
Yamada Mutsuo
Department Of Surgery Hoshi General Hospital
Sakuma Takeshi
Department Of Surgery Hoshi General Hospital
ABE Rikiya
Tohoku Familial Tumor Association
Katagata Naoto
Department Of Surgery Hoshi General Hospital
Watanabe Fumiaki
Department Of Pathological Biochemistry Medical Research Institute Tokyo Medical And Dental Universi
Nomizu Tadashi
Department Of Breast Surgery Nahanishi Clinic
Nihei Mitsuhiro
Igarashi medical and surgical clinic
Department of Dietetics, Faculty of Environmental Science, Kanto Gakuin University
Tohoku Familial Tumor Association
- Collaboration of Breast Cancer Clinic and Genetic Counseling Division for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Family in Japan
- Locally Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer with Cartilaginous and/or Osseous Metaplasia Showing Excellent Response to Chemotherapy
- A Case of Breast Cancer Metastasizing to Cervix after Resection of Pancreatic Metastasis
- A Case of Breast Cancer Metastatic to the Head of the Pancreas
- Clinicopathological Features of Hereditary Breast Cancer
- A Case fo Breast Cancer Metastatic to the Pituitary Gland
- The critical view of safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy is optimized by exposing the inner layer of the subserosal layer
- High proportion of missense mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in Japanese breast cancer families
- Bilateral Nonpalpable Breast Carcinomas in a Patient with BRCA2 Germ Line Mutation and Past History of Osteosarcoma
- Prediction of breast cancer prognosis by gene expression profile of TP53 status