Ranging behavior of Mahale chimpanzees : a 16 year study
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2013-04-01
Inoue Eiji
Graduate School Of Sci. Kyoto Univ. Jpn
Zamma Koichiro
Great Ape Research Institute
Marchant Linda
Department Of Anthropology Miami University
Huffman Michael
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Nakamura Michio
Wildlife Research Center Kyoto University
Department of Cognitive and Behavioral Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University
Sophia University
Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan
Mitani John
Department Of Anthropology University Of Michigan
Hosaka Kazuhiko
Faculty Of Child Studies Kamakura Women's University
Sakamaki Tetsuya
Primate Research Institute Kyoto University
Fujimoto Mariko
Graduate School Of Human Cultures The University Of Shiga Prefecture
Japan Monkey Centre
Nishie Hitonaru
Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University
Frankford Hospital
ITOH Noriko
Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Tourism Sciences, University of the Ryukyus
MCGREW William
Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Cambridge
Department of Animal Sciences, Teikyo University of Science
Sasayama Field Station, Kobe University
Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University
CORP Nadia
Arthritis Research UK Primary Care Centre, Keele University
HANAMURA Shunkichi
Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto University
HAYAKI Hitoshige
Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Kobe Gakuin University
Japan Monkey Centre
Faculty of Health and Well-being, Kansai University
Ecological Monitoring, Tanzania National Parks
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- Prevalence of muzzle-rubbing and hand-rubbing behavior in wild chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
- 野生チンパンジー集団におけるY-STR多型
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- Interspecies and intraspecies variations in the serotonin transporter gene intron 3 VNTR in nonhuman primates
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- Chimpanzee deaths at Mahale caused by a flu-like disease
- Wild chimpanzee infant urine and saliva sampled noninvasively usable for DNA analyses
- Sniffing behaviors in Mahale chimpanzees
- Extraordinarily low bone mineral density in an old female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from the Mahale Mountains National Park
- Tool-use for drinking water by immature chimpanzees of Mahale : prevalence of an unessential behavior
- The Four Chimpanzee Skulls Collected in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania
- Why Dominants Do Not Consistently Attain High Mating and Reproductive Success : A Review of Longitudinal Japanese Macaque Studies
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- An experimental study of leaf swallowing in captive chimpanzees : insights into the origin of a self-medicative behavior and the role of social learning -
- The first case of dental flossing by a Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) : implications for the determinants of behavioral innovation and the constraints on social transmission
- Subtle behavioral variation in wild chimpanzees, with special reference to Imanishi's concept of kaluchua
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- A Within-group Gang Attack on a Young Adult Male Chimpanzee : Ostracism of an Ill-mannered Member?
- Ethogram and Ethnography of Mahale Chimpanzees
- Group unity of chimpanzees elucidated by comparison of sex differences in short-range interactions in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
- DNAから読み解く霊長類の社会
- Toshisada Nishida's contributions to primatology
- Tribute
- Responses of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) toward seismic aftershocks in the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
- Introduction to the proceedings of the symposium "Asian Paleoprimatology : Evolution of the Tertiary Primates in Asia"
- Pirouettes : the rotational play of wild chimpanzees
- Case report of helminths and lung mite infection in the red-tailed monkey, Cercopithecus ascanius schmidti, in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
- Coprophagy in wild bonobos (Pan paniscus) at Wamba in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a possibly adaptive strategy?
- Demographic influences on the behavior of chimpanzees
- Reconciliation and post-conflict third-party affiliation among wild chimpanzees in the Mahale Mountains, Tanzania
- Complexity, dynamics and diversity of sociality in group-living mammals
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- Stone handling behavior in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), a behavioral propensity for solitary object play shared with Japanese macaques
- Natural history of Camponotus ant-fishing by the M group chimpanzees at the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania
- Interaction studies in Japanese primatology : their scope, uniqueness, and the future
- 生態機構分野(III.研究活動)
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- 社会進化分野(III.研究活動)
- 人類進化モデル研究センター(II 研究所の概要)
- News : Director of the Tanzania National Parks, Lota Melamari, Visits Japan
- 人類進化モデル研究センター(II 研究所の概要)
- On the Chimpanzees of Kakungu, Karobwa and Ntakata
- Frequency of removal movements during social versus self-grooming among wild chimpanzees
- 生態機構分野(II.研究所の概要)
- Practical Applications from the Study of Great Ape Self-Medication and Conservation Related Issues
- Book Review : The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals, by Jonathan Kingdon
- DNA Sampling and DNA Analysis of Chimpanzees at Mahale
- 14 野生チンパンジーにおけるY-STRの変異(X.共同利用研究 2.研究成果)
- 自由37 ニホンザル餌付け群(嵐山E群)における父性解析(X.共同利用研究 2.共同利用研究成果)
- Female parity, male aggression, and the Challenge Hypothesis in wild chimpanzees
- Ranging behavior of Mahale chimpanzees : a 16 year study