Stress/Rest Circumferential Strain in Non-Ischemia, Ischemia, and Infarction : Quantification by 3 Tesla Tagged Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2013-04-25
Nagao Michinobu
Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Radiology, Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine
Miyagawa Masao
Department Of Cardiology Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital
Kido Teruhito
Department Of Diagnostic And Therapeutic Radiology Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
Mochizuki Teruhito
Department Of Cardiology Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital
Ogimoto Akiyoshi
Department Of Cardiology Ehime National Hispital
Kurata Akira
Department Of Cardiology Ehime University School Of Medicine
Kido Tomoyuki
Department Of Pharmacological Sciences Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
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