Impact of four loci on serum tamsulosin hydrochloride concentration
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2013-01-01
OBARA Wataru
Department of Urology, Iwate Medical University
Obara Wataru
Department Of Dermatology St. Marianna University School Of Medicine
Kojima Yoshiyuki
Department of Materials and Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Nihon University
Inoue Keiji
Department Of Cardiology Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital
Shuin Taro
Department Of Urology And Pathology I Kochi Medical School
Sasaki Shoichi
Department Of Nephro-urology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Tanikawa Chizu
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Sugimura Jun
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo General Hospital
Kohri Kenjiro
Department Of Nephro-urology Nagoya City University Graduate School Of Medical Science
Ashida Shingo
Department Of Urology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Miki Tsuneharu
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medical Science Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
KUBO Michiaki
Center for Genomic Medicine, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Takaha Natsuki
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medical Science Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Fujioka Tomoaki
Department Of Urology And Physiology Ii Iwate Medical University School Of Medicine
Kubo Michiaki
Center For Genomic Medicine The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Takata Ryo
Department Of Urology Iwate Medical University
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory For Genotyping Riken Snp Research Center C/o Riken Yokohama Institute
Matsuda Koichi
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Okihara Koji
Department Of Bacteriology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine Dentistry And Pharmaceutical Sciences
SASAKI Shoichi
Department of Nephro-Urology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Science
LOTUS Co., Ltd.
LOTUS Co., Ltd.
KOHRI Kenjiro
Department of Nephro-Urology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Science
KOJIMA Yoshiyuki
Department of Nephro-Urology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Science
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