- 論文の詳細を見る
All organs are not fully developed in children. Children develop the ability to sit, stand and finally walk, and then continue to develop and learn how to balance in each posture. In the process of developing posture and equilibrium, children may experience disturbances of equilibrium such as dizziness. Meniere's disease and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo can occur in children and in adults, whereas benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood is a cause of dizziness that occurs specifically in children. The pathologies of these illnesses are currently not well clarified, but they may be understood in the future as a new group of diseases. However, conducting an examination for dizziness in children is very difficult. Interviewing children with regard to their course of dizziness is problematic and it may be more useful to interview their parents. However, this requires parents to understand the symptoms of children through observation. In some cases, videotaping of the conditions of ocular nystagmus and gait of children may be needed. Continuous treatment of children is also difficult and recurrence of dizziness often occurs repeatedly in children. For these reasons, we suggest that it is essential to assess equilibrium in children.
- 2012-08-01
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