Cardiac surgery for annuloaortic ectasia and mitral regurgitation in an adult patient with dextrocardia
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-05-10
Higashino H
Department Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Ehime Hospital
Kimura Akinori
Department Of Diagnostic And Therapeutic Radiology Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
Abe Mitsunori
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine
HASHIDA Hidetoshi
愛媛大学医学部 第二内科
Higashino Hiroshi
Department Of Radiology Ehiime Irnabari Hospital
Abe Mitsunori
Yotsuba Circulation Clinic
Higashino Hiroshi
Department Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Ehime Hospital
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Osaka Medical College
Kurata Akira
Department Of Cardiology Ehime University School Of Medicine
Yokoyama Yuichiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Faculaty Of Medicine Kagawa University
Nagashima Mitsugi
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Ehime University Hospital
Hashida Hidetoshi
The Department Of Cardiology Ehime National Hospital
Nagashima Mitsugi
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Ehime University Graduate School Of Medicine
Satoh Harumitsu
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Yotsuba Circulation Clinic
Yokoyama Yuichiro
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Yotsuba Circulation Clinic
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