Development of allele-specific primer PCR for a swine TLR2 SNP (C406G→P136A) and comparison of the frequency in pigs between Japan and the Czech Republic
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2012-03-31
上西 博英
Minagawa Yu
Research Team For Advanced Biologicals National Institute Of Animal Health
Muneta Yoshihiro
Research Team For Advanced Biologicals National Institute Of Animal Health
上西 博英
Genome Research Department National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Uenishi Hirohide
Genome Research Department National Institute Of Agrobiological Science
上西 博英
Kusumoto Masahiro
Safety Research Team National Institute Of Animal Health National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Uenishi Hirohide
Division Of Animal Sciences National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
Division of Animal Sciences, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences
Department of Immunology and Gnotobiology, Institute of Microbiology of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Splichal Igor
Department Of Immunology And Gnotobiology Institute Of Microbiology Of Academy Of Sciences Of The Czech Republic
Shinkai Hiroki
Division Of Animal Sciences National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
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