Near-Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy of HAYABUSA Spacecraft Re-Entry
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-10-25
阿部 新助
ABE Shinsuke
National Astronomical Observatory, Department of Astronomy, Graduate University of Advanced Studies
UEDA Masayoshi
Nippon Meteor Society
FUJITA Kazuhisa
Aerospace Research and Development Directorate, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
阿部 新介
SUZUKI Masaharu
Goto Optical Manufacturing Co.
Fujita Kazuhisa
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Iiyama Ohmi
Osaka Science Museum
Shiba Yasuo
Nippon Meteor Society
KAKINAMI Yoshihiro
Institute of Seismology and Volcanology, Hokkaido University
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kyushu University
Kakinami Yoshihiro
Institute Of Seismology And Volcanology Hokkaido University
Fujita Kazuhisa
Aerospace Research And Development Directorate Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Suzuki Masaharu
Goto Inc.
- イトカワ : 探査機でみた衝突再集積天体と小天体の衝突過程
- 流星に生命の起源を求めて
- 22pTE-2 流れ星の測光・分光観測
- 小型衛星による流星関連現象観測の提案
- 君が作る宇宙ミッション2003
- 「しし座流星群」四方山話
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- High Sensitivity Radar-Optical Observations of Faint Meteors(Special Issue on New Technologies in Signal Processing for Electromagnetic-wave Sensing and Imaging)
- TV Observation of the Leonid Meteor Shower in 2002 : First Observation of a Faint Meteor Storm
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- Detection of Small GEO Debris by Use of the Stacking Method
- TV Observation of the Leonid Meteor Shower in 1999: Secondary Peak over Japan
- Development of Shock Tube for Ground Testing Reentry Aerothermodynamics
- Near-Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy of HAYABUSA Spacecraft Re-Entry
- An Overview of JAXA's Ground-Observation Activities for HAYABUSA Reentry
- Trajectory of HAYABUSA Reentry Determined from Multisite TV Observations
- Detection of Acoustic/Infrasonic/Seismic Waves Generated by Hypersonic Re-Entry of the HAYABUSA Capsule and Fragmented Parts of the Spacecraft
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