Synchronous Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm and Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas : Report of a Case
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- 2011-06-01
Chijiiwa K
Department Of Surgery And Oncology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Chijiwa K
九州大学 医研究院 臨床腫瘍外科
Ohuchida Jiro
宮崎大学 医学部腫瘍機能制御外科学
Ohuchida Jiro
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medic
Ohuchida Jiro
Department Of Surgery And Oncology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu University
Chijiiwa K
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medic
Chijiwa Kazuo
Department Of Surgery I Department Od Medical Informatics And Clinical Laboratory Kyushu University
Kawano Hirokazu
Section Of Tumor Biology And Regenerative Pathology Department Of Pathology Miyazaki University Scho
HIYOSHI Masahide
Department of Surgical Oncology and Regulation of Organ Function, Miyazaki University School of Medi
Imamura Naoya
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medic
Chijiiwa Kazuo
Section Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Department Of Surgery Faculty Of Medic
Chijiwa Kazuo
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medic
Chijiiwa Kazuo
Department Of 1st Surgery School Of Medicine Miyazaki University
Ohuchida Jiro
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medic
Kataoka Hiroaki
Section Of Oncopathology And Regenerative Biology Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Univer
Takahashi Nobuyasu
Department Of Oncopathology And Regenerative Biology Miyazaki University School Of Medicine
Takahashi Nobuyasu
Section Of Oncopathology And Regenerative Biology Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Univer
Imamura Naoya
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medic
Section of Oncopathology and Regenerative Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Miyazaki
Chijiiwa Kazuo
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Faculty Of Medicine University Of M
Yorita Kenji
Section Of Oncopathology And Regenerative Biology Faculty Of Medicine University Of Miyazaki
Yorita Kenji
Section Of Oncopathology And Regenerative Biology Department Of Pathology Faculty Of Medicine Univer
Hiyoshi Masahide
Department Of Surgical Oncology And Regulation Of Organ Function Miyazaki University School Of Medicine
HIYOSHI Masahide
Surgical Oncology and Regulation of Organ Function, Miyazaki University
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