Fatal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in an extremely-low-birthweight infant
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-08-01
Imashuku Shinsaku
Division Of Pediatrics Takasago-seibu Hospital
Imashuku Shinsaku
Division Of Pediatrics And Hematology Takasago-seibu Hospital
Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Ichiyama Takashi
Department Of Pediatrics Graduate School Of Medicine Yamaguchi University
Kusuda Satoshi
Maternal And Perinatal Center Tokyo Women's Medical University
Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Maternal and Perinatal Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University
Sakuma Izumi
Maternal And Perinatal Center Tokyo Women's Medical University
Yamasaki Chika
Maternal And Perinatal Center Tokyo Women's Medical University
Uchiyama Atsushi
Maternal And Perinatal Center Tokyo Women's Medical University
Nishida Hiroshi
Maternal And Perinata Center Tokyo Women's Medical University
Nishida Hiroshi
Maternal & Perinatal Center Tokyo Women's Medical College
Imashuku Shinsaku
Division Of Hematology Takasago-seibu Hospital
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