Biological Variation of Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Cardiac Events in Stable Outpatients With Nonischemic Chronic Heart Failure
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Background: To evaluate the biological variation and prognostic value of brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) for stable outpatients with nonischemic chronic heart failure (NICHF). Methods and Results: Biological variation in BNP was evaluated using an automated assay system in 140 outpatients with NICHF. The stable clinical condition during the 2-month study period was defined as unchanged NYHA and unchanged left ventricular ejection fraction; therefore, 7 patients were excluded during the 2 months. Thereafter, 133 patients were prospectively followed and the relationship between cardiac events and the plasma BNP concentrations (at baseline and after 2 months) were evaluated as well as the changes in BNP. The biological variation in BNP (2-month interval) was calculated as 22.3%. During a mean follow-up period of 42 months, 26 patients had cardiac events. According to stepwise multivariate analyses, plasma BNP after 2 months (P=0.0002) and % change in BNP (P=0.0067) were significant independent predictors of cardiac events. Conclusions: These findings indicated that a combination of the absolute value of BNP after 2 months and % increase in BNP (2-month interval) is useful for predicting cardiac events in stable outpatients with NICHF. (Circ J 2011; 75: 341-347)
- 2011-01-25
YAMAJI Masayuki
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
FUJII Masanori
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
HORIE Minoru
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
Fujii Masanori
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Saiseikai Central Hospital
Yamamoto Takashi
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori H
Department Of Bioscience Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery
Matsubara H
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori Hidezo
岩手医科大学 物理学科
Mori H
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Horiba Mitsuru
名古屋大学環境医学研究所 循環器学
Cardiovascular Medicine Okayama University Medical School
Horie Minoru
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori Hidezo
Department Of Bioscience Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery
Mori Hidezo
The Native
Horie Minoru
Department Of Cardiovascular-respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Horie Minoru
Department Of Cardiopulmonary Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Yamaji Masayuki
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Kawahara Chiho
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Nishiyama Keizo
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Tsutamoto Takayoshi
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori Hidezo
Department Of Physiology Tokai University School Of Medicine
Hone Minoru
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Siga University Of Medical Science
Tsutamoto Takayoshi
Department Of Internal Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Tsutamoto Takayoshi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Hojho Mayumi
Department Of Circulation Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine
Yabe Takahiro
Department Of Cardiology Shiga University Of Medical Science
Horie Minoru
Department Of Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Sciences
Yamamoto Takashi
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Kawahara Chiho
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Fujii Masanori
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mikohchi Hiroshi
Division Of Cardiology National Hospital Organization Okayama Medical Center
Yamaji Masayuki
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Tsutui Takashi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Nishiyama Keizo
Cardiovascular And Respiratory Medicine Shiga University Of Medical Science
Mori Hidezo
Department Of Bioscience National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Hirota Masanori
Department Of Cardiac Physiology National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute
Matsubara Hiromi
Department of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science
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