Origin of Ore-forming Fluids Responsible for Gold Mineralization of the Pongkor Au-Ag Deposit, West Java, Indonesia : Evidence from Mineralogic, Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry and Stable Isotope Study of the Ciurug-Cikoret Veins
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Blackwell Pub. Asia Pty Ltd.の論文
- 2007-06-01
Department of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Keio University
Watanabe Koichiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kyushu Institute Of Technology
IMAI Akira
Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of Tokyo
Imai Akira
Department Of Earth And Planetary Science University Of Tokyo
Imai Akira
Department Of Applied Chemistry Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Imai Akira
Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University
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- Intraperitoneal Immunization Led to T Cell Hyporesponsiveness to Helicobacter pylori Infection in Mice
- Concentration of Gold(I) Thiosulfate Complex Ions on the Surface of Alumina Gel and their Change in Chemical State : Preliminary Experiment in the Elucidation of the Formation Mechanism of Epithermal Gold Deposits
- Cooling and inferred exhumation history of the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the Yanai district, south-west Japan : Constraints from Rb-Sr and fission-track ages of gneissose granitoid and numerical modeling
- Continuity in Phase Transition Behavior between Normal and Diffuse Phase Transitions in Complex Perovskite Compounds
- 本邦の黒鉱型鉱床における褐色黒鉱の産出
- Occurrences of Ore Minerals and Fluid Inclusion Study on the Kingking Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Eastern Mindanao, Philippines
- Characteristics of the Cibaliung Gold Deposit : Miocene Low-Sulfidation-Type Epithermal Gold Deposit in Western Java, Indonesia
- About the Special Issue : Collection of Achievements on Earth Resources from AUN/SEED-Net, Part II
- 八丁原地域の鉄に富む酸性の熱水から生じた珪酸質沈殿物中の金濃度