渡辺 公一郎
Department of Mining, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
Watanabe Koichiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Watanabe Koichiro
Department Of Mining Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
高島 勲
Research Institute Of Materials And Resources Akita University
Takashima Isao
Research Institute Of Material And Resources Akita University
- 東北日本山形県大峠の金銀鉱化作用および関連した火山活動の年代
- Time course of cerebral blood flow changes following electroconvulsive therapy in depressive patients - measured at 3 time points using single photon emission computed tomography
- 菱刈鉱床における裂罅の生成時期と鉱化作用の継続期間
- 福岡県星野地域における金鉱化作用とシンターの産状
- オーストラリア, クイーズランド州北部, フランシスクリーク地域の古生代浅熱水系の含金石英脈と熱水変質
- フィリピン, ルソン島のヴィクトリア炭酸塩 : ベースメタル金鉱床とマンカヤン地域におけるその重要性
- 福岡県星野金鉱床西部地域の地質と火山岩類のフィッション・トラック年代
- Intraperitoneal Immunization Led to T Cell Hyporesponsiveness to Helicobacter pylori Infection in Mice
- 西南日本雲仙地域の溶岩/円頂丘溶岩及び崩壊堆積物の熱ルミネッセンス年代
- Concentration of Gold(I) Thiosulfate Complex Ions on the Surface of Alumina Gel and their Change in Chemical State : Preliminary Experiment in the Elucidation of the Formation Mechanism of Epithermal Gold Deposits
- Cooling and inferred exhumation history of the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the Yanai district, south-west Japan : Constraints from Rb-Sr and fission-track ages of gneissose granitoid and numerical modeling
- Continuity in Phase Transition Behavior between Normal and Diffuse Phase Transitions in Complex Perovskite Compounds
- Occurrences of Ore Minerals and Fluid Inclusion Study on the Kingking Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Eastern Mindanao, Philippines
- Characteristics of the Cibaliung Gold Deposit : Miocene Low-Sulfidation-Type Epithermal Gold Deposit in Western Java, Indonesia
- 八丁原地域の鉄に富む酸性の熱水から生じた珪酸質沈殿物中の金濃度
- インドネシア, ジャワ西部, Cibaliung 金鉱床における鉱化作用と火山活動の時期
- Gondwana to Asia - A history of continental growth and deep crustal processes : Introduction
- マレーシア・サバ州タワウ地域の第四紀火山岩と変質岩の熱ルミネッセンス年代
- Porphyry-Type Mineralization at Selogiri Area, Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
- インドネシア,スンダ弧,ジャワ島の新生代島弧火成作用:火山活動のジオダイナミックスと鉱化作用の関係
- Origin of Ore-forming Fluids Responsible for Gold Mineralization of the Pongkor Au-Ag Deposit, West Java, Indonesia : Evidence from Mineralogic, Fluid Inclusion Microthermometry and Stable Isotope Study of the Ciurug-Cikoret Veins
- Extramedullary Plasmacytoma as an Uncommon Cause of Gastrorrhagia
- Morphometric age and petrological characteristics of volcanic rocks from the Bajawa Cinder Cone Complex, Flores, Indonesia
- Attitude of Patients with Schizophrenia toward Neuroleptics in Japan
- Integrating potential fields with remote sensing data for geological investigations in the Eljufra area of Libya
- 西南日本雲仙地域の溶岩/円頂丘溶岩及び崩壊堆積物の熱ルミネッセンス年代〔英文〕
- Adverse effects of anticholinergic activity on cognitive functions in Alzheimer's disease
- Serodiagnosis of Helicobacter hepaticus infection in patients with liver and gastrointestinal diseases : western blot analysis and ELISA using a highly specific monoclonal antibody for H. hepaticus antigen
- Development of corpus atrophic gastritis may be associated with Helicobacter pylori-related idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- 「高温岩体発電のための深層地下の可視化」が優秀賞受賞
- Hydrothermal Alteration Related to Silver Mineralization at the Iwami Silver Deposit, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
- Characteristics and Mineralization Age of the Fukusen No. 1 Vein, Hishikari Epithermal Gold Deposits, Southern Kyushu, Japan
- A Preliminary Study on the Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Geothermal Waters and Gases in Northern Thailand (軽元素同位体比測定)
- Coarctation of the aorta in early infancy. Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and its clinical implications.:Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction and Its Clinical Implications
- Ectopic Hepatocellular Carcinoma of the Left Sub-diaphragm with Metastasis
- Rare Earth Elements in Hydrothermally Altered Granitic Rocks in the Ranong and Takua Pa Tin-Field, Southern Thailand