Controlling the Percolation Threshold of Conductor-Insulator Composites by Changing the Granular Size of Insulators
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japan Institute of Metalsの論文
- 2010-06-01
川添 義幸
川添 良幸
川添 良幸
東北大 金属材料研
KAWAZOE Yoshiyuki
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Sahara R
Inst. For Materials Res. Tohoku Univ.
Sahara Ryoji
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Kangawa Yoshihiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
Mizuseki Hiroshi
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Machida H
Tokin Corp. Ibaraki Jpn
Kawazoe Yoshiyuki
Institute For Material Research Tohoku University
Tripathi Mn
Inst. For Materials Res. Tohoku Univ.
Mizuseki H
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
SHIDA Kazuhito
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Tripathi Mn
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Shida Kazuhito
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University
Mizuseki Hiroshi
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
Mizuseki Hiroshi
Institute for Materials Research (IMR), Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
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- 特集「計算材料科学・工学の最前線(1)」によせて
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- Controlling the Percolation Threshold of Conductor-Insulator Composites by Changing the Granular Size of Insulators
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- Conductivity Percolation on a Cubic Lattice with Core-Shell Particles
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- Bipyridinium Molecular Switch: Ab-initio Electronic Structure Calculation
- Theoretical Analysis for a Molecular Resonant Tunneling Diode
- 22pGN-3 強誘電体ドメイン境界の格子欠陥によるピン留めの分子動力学シミュレーション(22pGN 酸化物・ペロヴスカイト,領域10(誘電体,格子欠陥,X線・粒子線,フォノン))
- A Monte Carlo simulation on the process of cluster deposition
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- Controlling 3D Percolation Threshold of Conductor-Insulator Composites by Changing the Granular Size of Conductors
- Controlling the Percolation Threshold of Conductor-Insulator Composites in a 2D Triangular Lattice by Introducing Binary Size Distributions of Conductor Particles
- 1405 経験的ポテンシャルおよび第一原理計算によるシリコン結晶粒界評価(OS14.シリコンとシミュレーション(2),OS・一般セッション講演)