- 論文の詳細を見る
The variable speed drives of the power electronics application are the most sensitive to the voltage dip that is caused by power system fault. Variable speed drives are composed by the converter, the voltage source inverter and induction motor. They could fall into operation failure by wrong control in the converter when degree of the voltage dip exceeds 15% and 10ms. Therefore, important loads are equipped with the voltage dip compensation.Since the load characteristic of the converter equals nearly the impedance load, the induction motors connected directly to power supply are more sensitive to the output voltage waveform of the compensator than the converter. Thus, the induction motors are used as the important load (compensated load) on the simulation. The simulations of the compensation performance to the induction motors are carried out by using simulation tool PSCAD/EMTDC. It is confirmed that the goal of the compensation performance is able to be achieved.
- 2010-03-01
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