Numerical Analysis of Droplet Impingement Using the Moving Particle Semi-implicit Method
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Droplet impingement onto a rigid wall is simulated in two and three dimensions using the moving particle semi-implicit method. In two-dimensional calculations, the convergence is achieved and the propagation of a shockwave in a droplet is captured. The average pressure on the contact area decreases gradually after the maximum value. The numerically obtained maximum average impact pressure agrees with the Heymann correlation. A large shear stress appears at the contact edge due to jetting. A parametric study shows that the droplet diameter has only a minor effect on the pressure load due to droplet impingement. When the impingement takes place from an impact angle of π⁄4 rad, the pressure load and shear stress show a dependence only on the normal velocity to the wall. A comparison between the three-dimensional and two-dimensional results shows that consideration of the three-dimensional effect can decrease the average impact pressure by about 12%.
- 2010-03-01
University of Tokyo
XIONG Jinbiao
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
The University of Tokyo
塚越 誠一
Koshizuka Seiichi
The University Of Tokyo Department Of Systems Innovation
Xiong Jinbiao
The Univ. Of Tokyo Dep. Of Systems Innovation
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