Evaluation Methods for Corrosion Damage of Components in Cooling Systems of Nuclear Power Plants by Coupling Analysis of Corrosion and Flow Dynamics (IV) : Comparison of Wall Thinning Rates Calculated with the Coupled Model of Static Electrochemical Analy
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In order to confirm applicability and accuracy of FAC evaluation methods based on the coupled FAC model of static electrochemical analysis and dynamic oxide layer growth analysis, wall thinning rates calculated with the proposed methods were compared with those measured for the secondary piping of a PWR plant. Distributions of flow velocity and temperature along the whole system were calculated with 1D and 2D computational flow dynamics (CFD) codes and corrosive conditions were calculated with a N2H4-O2 reaction analysis code. Precise flow turbulence at major parts of the system was analyzed with 3D CFD codes to obtain mass transfer coefficients at structure surfaces. Then, wall thinning rates were calculated with the coupled FAC model by applying the mass transfer coefficients. Comparison of the calculated and measured results led to the following conclusions.1) Structures with complicated geometry in the plant, e.g., the pair of a bend pipe and a valve, could be simplified as a combination of pipes for the calculation.2) Flow distribution calculated with 3D CFD codes for a large-scale piping system could be extrapolated to those at the very surface of the piping to obtain a precise distribution of mass transfer coefficients at the region of interest.3) Wall thinning rates calculated by applying the obtained mass transfer coefficients agreed with the measured rates within a factor of 2.4) The effects of flow turbulence were transferred through a distance of more than 5 times the pipe diameter from the original turbulent point, but the effects on wall thinning rate were negligibly small.
- 2010-02-01
UCHIDA Shunsuke
The Institute of Applied Energy
NAITOH Masanori
The Institute of Applied Energy
UEHARA Yasushi
The Institute of Applied Energy
OKADA Hidetoshi
The Institute of Applied Energy
Japan Atomic Power Co.
Japan Atomic Power Co.
Japan Atomic Power Co.
University of Tokyo
Uchida S
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Uchida S
Tohoku Univ. Sendai
塚越 誠一
Uchida Shunsuke
Department Of Quantum Science And Energy Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku Universit
Uchida Shunsuke
Power And Industrial Systems R&d Division Hitachi Ltd.
Uchida Shunsuke
Energy Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.
Koshizuka Seiichi
The University Of Tokyo Department Of Systems Innovation
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