Descriptive morphology of pelagic juvenile of Lepidion inosimae (Gadiformes : Moridae) collected from off northeastern Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Springer Japanの論文
- 2009-01-26
岡本 誠
長崎大学水産学部 海洋動物学研究室
Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo
School of Fisheries Science, Kitasato University
渡邊 良朗
Asahida Takashi
School Of Fisheries Science Kitasato University
Asahida Takashi
School Of Fisheries Sciences Kitasato University
渡邊 良朗
水産海洋学会 学会賞授賞候補推薦委員会
University of Tokyo
Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute
Asahida Takashi
Kitasato University School Of Marine Biosciences
Okamoto Makoto
Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute
渡邊 良朗
Watanabe Yoshiro
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Watanabe Yoshiro
Atmosphere And Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Yoshiro
Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Yoshiro
Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo
岡本 誠
Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute
Watanabe Yoshiro
Biology Of Fisheries Resource Ocean Research Institute The University Of Tokyo
岡本 誠
- アワビ類およびサザエ資源の長期変動と大規模気候変動および海藻群落との関係について
- 1970年前後におけるマイワシの生物特性変化 (総特集 1970年前後における海洋生態系のレジームシフト--黒潮親潮域とフンボルト海流域の同期性(2))
- 1970年前後のサンマ資源の変動 (総特集 1970年前後における海洋生態系のレジームシフト--黒潮親潮域とフンボルト海流域の同期性(2))
- Interspecific variations in age and size at settlement of 8 emperor fishes (Lethrinidae) at the southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan
- 東シナ海から得られた日本初記録のナカムラギンメ科魚類ツバサナカムラギンメ(新称)Diretmoides veriginae
- Use of microsatellite DNA and otolith Sr:Ca ratios to infer genetic relationships and migration history of four morphotypes of Rhinogobius sp. OR
- 東北沖から採集された日本初記録のハナメイワシ科魚類クズボシハナメイワシ(新称) Maulisia argipalla
- 日本初記録のハダカエソ科魚類キタナメハダカ(新称)Lestidiops ringens
- ハナメイワシ科魚類オチバハナメイワシ(新称)の日本から2番目の記録
- 本州東方沖から得られたイレズミコンニャクアジの仔稚魚
- 北西太平洋より得られたドクウロコイボダイ科2種の仔稚魚
- 深海魚の初期生活史 (特集 深海生物)
- Male Internal Fertilization and Introsperm-like Sperm of the Seaweed Pipefish (Syngnathus schlegeli)(Reproductive Biology)
- 近年, 急激に増加した日本海ニシン資源と環境変動
- Monogamous mating and conventional sex roles in Hippichthys penicillus (Syngnathidae) under laboratory conditions
- Settlement of larval top shell Turbo (Batillus) cornutus in response to several marine algae
- Identification of juvenile abalone Haliotis diversicolor based on number of open and sealed respiratory pores
- Dietary value of benthic diatoms for post-larval abalone Haliotis diversicolor associated with feeding transitions
- Genetic population evaluation of two closely related flatfish species, the rare barfin flounder and spotted halibut, along the Japanese coast
- Epigonus carbonarius, a new species of deepwater cardinalfish (Perciformes: Epigonidae) from the Marquesas Islands, with a redefinition of the Epigonus oligolepis group
- 海の資源変動のしくみ--個体数変動様式の南北差の生物学 (総特集 海洋生命系のダイナミクス) -- (4章 変動系のダイナミクス--海洋生命系の変動は人類に何をもたらすか?)
- Description of a Pelagic Juvenile Specimen of Gadella jordani (Actinopterygii: Gadiformes: Moridae) from Southern Japan, with a Note on the Color in Life
- A Larva of the Skilfish, Erilepis zonifer (Actinopterygii: Scorpaeniformes: Anoplopomatidae), from off Northeastern Japan
- Stock structure of Japanese flounder inferred from morphological and genetic analyses
- Clarification of the origin of landlocked ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis, populations in the Kasumigaura Lake system, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
- Naupliar copepod concentrations in the spawning grounds of Japanese sardine, Sardinops melanostictus, along the Kuroshio Current
- Preface
- Pelagic Juveniles of Two Morids (Teleostei : Gadiformes : Moridae), Antimora microlepis and Physiculus japonicus, from the Western North Pacific
- 対馬暖流域におけるマアジの初期生態 (マアジ仔稚魚の初期生態と日本沿岸への輸送機構)
- 対馬暖流系マアジの初期成長と新規加入 (マアジ仔稚魚の初期生態と日本沿岸への輸送機構)
- Descriptive morphology of pelagic juvenile of Lepidion inosimae (Gadiformes : Moridae) collected from off northeastern Japan
- マイワシ・カタクチイワシ・マサバ
- 第10回宇田賞ならびに第7回論文賞の選考経過と授賞理由
- 東京大学大気海洋研究所
- Community and trophic structures of abalone Haliotis diversicolor habitat in Sagami Bay, Japan
- Acropoma argentistigma, a new species from the Andaman Sea, off southern Thailand(Perciformes: Acropomatidae)
- Brooding season, sex ratio, and brood pouch development in the seaweed pipefish, Syngnathus schlegeli, in Otsuchi Bay, Japan
- Development and distribution of the early life stages of the longfin pearleye Benthalbella linguidens (Aulopiformes : Scopelarchidae) in the western North Pacific
- Larval and juvenile development of the medusafish, Icichthys lockingtoni (Perciformes: Centrolophidae), from the Northwest Pacific, and a comparison with Northeast Pacific larval and juvenile forms
- Description of a postflexion larva specimen of Liopropoma japonicum from off Izu Peninsula, Japan
- Epigonus cavaticus (Teleostei: Perciformes), a new epigonid fish from Palau, western Central Pacific
- Maturation and spawning of Spratelloides gracilis Clupeidae in temperate waters off Cape Shionomisaki, central Japan
- A new species of deepwater cardinalfish, Epigonus mayeri, from the eastern Central Atlantic, and redescription of Epigonus heracleus Parin and Abramov 1986 (Perciformes: Epigonidae)
- Larval development of bigmouth manefish Caristius macropus (Perciformes: Caristiidae) from the western North Pacific
- Pelagic Juveniles of the Longfin Codling Laemonema longipes (Teleostei: Gadiformes: Moridae) from off Northeastern Japan
- Pelagic Juveniles of Two Morids (Teleostei: Gadiformes: Moridae), Antimora microlepis and Physiculus japonicus, from the Western North Pacific
- Larval and juvenile development of Lestidiops sphyraenopsis Hubbs, 1916 (Aulopiformes : Paralepididae) in the western North Pacific, with a reexamination of the holotype of Stemonosudis molesta (Marshall, 1955)
- 日本のニシン漁に春はやってくるのだろうか? ニシンの繁殖生態と資源変動 (特集 ニシン&カズノコ)
- Larval development of bigmouth manefish Caristius macropus (Perciformes : Caristiidae) from the western North Pacific
- Growth rate variability of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, larvae in the Kuroshio waters
- Growth and Survival of Pacific Saury Cololabis saira in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Transitional Waters
- Variations in spawning ground area and egg density of the Japanese sardine in Pacific coastal and oceanic waters
- イワシが消える?--環境変動にともなって変動するマイワシ資源 (特集 海が変わる 海の生物が変わる)
- 自然変動する海洋生物資源の持続的利用 (特集 持続的社会へ向けた生態系の保全・管理への道筋)
- 選択的漁獲による生活史の進化
- 小型浮魚類の生態と資源量変動
- サンマ資源の再生産と加入量変動
- I-2. マイワシ資源減少過程の2つの局面(第I部.マイワシの資源動態,マイワシ資源の変動と利用)
- 温暖化とサンマの新規加入量 (総特集 地球規模海洋生態系変動研究(GLOBEC)--温暖化を軸とする海洋生物資源変動のシナリオ)
- 日本の漁業生産の現状と浅海資源 (総特集 浅海資源の管理と増殖--現状と課題)
- 低水準期にあるマイワシの管理(3)自然変動に学ぶ新規加入群の重要性 (総特集 低水準期にある浮魚資源の管理)
- ニシン科魚類の資源変動様式の南北差とニシン資源研究へのコメント
- サンマ仔稚魚の成長生残過程の南北差 (総特集 動物の個体数変動様式の南北差)
- 水産海洋学会創立40周年記念大会
- 海産魚類の資源量変動様式の南北差--北の大変動と南の安定
- 多獲性浮魚類の漁獲量変動 (特集 多獲性魚の資源と利用の現状--水産物供給の屋台骨)
- ニシンの資源動態 (特集 マイワシは本当に消えてしまうのか?--資源量減少魚種のゆくえ)
- Environmental factors affecting larval growth of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
- Interdecadal variations in Japanese sardine and ocean/climate
- Gonadal development in early life stages of Spratelloides gracilis
- Epigonus carbonarius, a new species of deepwater cardinalfish (Perciformes : Epigonidae) from the Marquesas Islands, with a redefinition of the Epigonus oligolepis group
- A new species of deepwater cardinalfish, Epigonus mayeri, from the eastern Central Atlantic, and redescription of Epigonus heracleus Parin and Abramov 1986 (Perciformes : Epigonidae)
- Redescription of a rare deepwater cardinalfish, Epigonus ctenolepis Mochizuki and Shirakihara 1983, and comparison with related species (Perciformes: Epigonidae)
- A Larva of the Skilfish, Erilepis zonifer (Actinopterygii : Scorpaeniformes : Anoplopomatidae), from off Northeastern Japan
- Identification of imported Chirimen at the genus level by a direct sequencing method using mitochondrial partial 16S rDNA region
- 東日本大震災による水産業の被災実態と復興の足がかりに関する連載について
- Validation of daily ring formation in sagittal otoliths of late juvenile skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis
- Redescription of a Poorly Known Deepwater Cardinalfish, Epigonus affinis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Epigonidae), and Comparison with Related Species
- 水産総合研究センターの魚類標本コレクション : DNA研究への活用と課題
- First record of the cusk-eel, Neobythites australiensis Nielsen (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae), from the Northern Hemisphere
- 東シナ海から採集された日本初記録のハナダイ亜科魚類ミズホハナダイ(新称)Plectranthias elongatus
- Two new species of the genus Epigonus (Perciformes: Epigonidae) from the South Pacific, with a definition of the Epigonus constanciae group
- 種判別における鑑定基準DNAの証拠標本保存に関する近年の動向、とくにDNAバーコーディングの推進について
- First record of Amarsipus carlsbergi (Perciformes: Stromateoidei: Amarsipidae) from Japan and a northernmost Range extension
- 震災に関する企画広報委員会活動
- Redescription of a rare deepwater cardinalfish, Epigonus ctenolepis Mochizuki and Shirakihara 1983, and comparison with related species (Perciformes : Epigonidae)
- Occurrence and Additional Specimens of a Scorpionfish, Idiastion pacificum (Actinopterygii: Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), from the Central North Pacific
- Predation by neogastropods on Turbo cornutus juveniles and other small gastropods inhabiting coralline algal turfs
- New records of the noline scorpionfish, Phenacoscorpius megalops (Actinopterygii: Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), from the Emperor Seamounts, central North Pacific
- Occurrence and Additional Specimens of a Scorpionfish, Idiastion pacificum (Actinopterygii : Scorpaeniformes : Scorpaenidae), from the Central North Pacific
- Two new species of the genus Epigonus (Perciformes : Epigonidae) from the South Pacific, with a definition of the Epigonus constanciae group
- Epigonus merleni, a Junior Synonym of Epigonus macrops (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Epigonidae)
- Effects of temperature and food availability on growth rate during late larval stage of Japanese anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region
- 東シナ海から得られた日本初記録のナカムラギンメ科魚類ツバサナカムラギンメ(新称) Diretmoides veriginae
- Two new species of deepwater cardinalfish from the Indo-Pacific, with a definition of the Epigonus pandionis group (Perciformes: Epigonidae)
- A new species of Timorichthys (Ophidiiformes: Bythitidae) from the East China Sea
- Acropoma profundum, a New Species of Lanternbelly (Teleostei: Perciformes: Acropomatidae) from the Solomon Islands
- Epigonus merleni, a Junior Synonym of Epigonus macrops (Actinopterygii: Perciformes : Epigonidae)
- カタクチイワシの繁殖特性の海域間比較
- Temperature determines growth rates of larval round herring Etrumeus teres in the Pacific coastal waters off southern Japan