Measurement and Analysis of Reactivity Worth of ^<237>Np Sample in Cores of TCA and FCA
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The reactivity worth of 22.87 grams of 237Np oxide sample was measured and analyzed in seven uranium cores in the Tank-Type Critical Assembly (TCA) and two uranium cores in the Fast Critical Assembly (FCA) at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The TCA cores provided a systematic variation in the neutron spectrum between the thermal and resonance energy regions. The FCA cores, XXI and XXV, provided a hard neutron spectrum of the fast reactor and a soft one of the resonance energy region, respectively. Analyses were carried out using the JENDL-3.3 nuclear data library with a Monte Carlo method for the TCA cores and a deterministic method for the FCA cores. The ratios of calculated to experimental (C/E) reactivity worth were between 0.97 and 0.91, and showed no apparent dependence on the neutron spectrum.
- 2009-06-01
Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
MORI Takamasa
Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
OKAJIMA Shigeaki
Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
TANI Kazuhiro
Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
SUZAKI Takenori
Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
SAITO Masaki
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Mori Takamasa
Nuclear Science And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Okajima Shigeaki
Nuclear Science And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Saito Masaki
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Tani Kazuhiro
Nuclear Science And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Okajima Shigeaki
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Sakurai Takeshi
Nuclear Science And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Saito Masaki
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactor Tokyo Institute Of Technology
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