Radiologist supply and workload : international comparison : Working Group of Japanese College of Radiology
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2008-10-25
Department of Radiology, St. Marianna University School of Medicine
Kobayashi Kazuko
Department of Toxicology and Pathology, Nippon Roche K.K.Research Center
Imamura Keiko
Department Of Radiology St Marianna University School Of Medicine
Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicin
Yamada Kei
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology University Of Rochester Medical Center
Kobayashi Kazuko
Department Of Radiology St Marianna University School Of Medicine
Nakajima Yasuo
Department Of Energy Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Musashi Institute Of Technology
Nakajima Yasuo
Department Of Radiology St Marianna University School Of Medicine
Kobayashi Kazuko
Department Of Cell Chemistry Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine And Dentistry
Imamura Keiko
Department of Neurology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University
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- Radiologist supply and workload : international comparison : Working Group of Japanese College of Radiology
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