A Submillimeter Cartridge-Type Receiver : ALMA Band 8 (385-500GHz) Qualification Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2008-10-25
関本 裕太郎
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)
Mineshige S
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
SATOU Naohisa
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
IIZUKA Yoshizou
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
ITO Tetsuya
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
SHAN Wen-Lei
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
KAMBA Toshiaki
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
KUMAGAI Kazuyoshi
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Advanced Technology Center and ALMA-J Project Office, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Kamba Toshiaki
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Sugimoto Masahiro
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Yokogawa Sozo
Alma Project Office National Astronomical Observatory
Sugimoto M
Joint Alma Office Santiago Chl
Satou Naohisa
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Kumagai Kazuyoshi
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Asayama Shin'ichiro
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Kamazaki Takeshi
Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory
Saito Masao
Institute Of Astronomy The University Of Tokyo
Tomimura Yu
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Shan Wen-lei
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Iizuka Yoshizou
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Matsushita S
Institute Of Astronomy And Astrophysics Academia Sinica
Kamba Toshiaki
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Ito Takashi
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Kamazaki Takeshi
Joint Alma Office Santiago Chl
Sasada Mahito
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima
Sumiyoshi Masanao
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Kamikura Mamoru
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
Serizawa Yasutaka
Advanced Technology Center And Alma-j Project Office National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan
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