A Comprehensive Study of Short Bursts form SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14 Detected by HETE-2
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Astronomical Society of Japanの論文
- 2007-06-25
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
吉田 篤正
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
YOSHIDA Atsumasa
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
SUGITA Satoshi
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
Matsuoka M
Iss Science Project Office Isas Jaxa
Yamashita T
Astronomical Institute Tohoku University
Sugizaki M
Iss Science Project Office Isas Jaxa
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
LATT, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS
LATT, Universite de Toulouse, CNRS
Center for Space Research
Center for Space Research
Center for Space Research
Center for Space Research
Space Sciences Laboratory, 7 Gauss Way, University of California
Takeshima T
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Sugizaki M
The Institute Of Space And Astronautical Science
Sugizaki Mutsumi
Cosmic Radiation Laboratory Riken
Doty J.
Center For Space Research
Ricker George
Center For Space Research Massachusetts Institute Of Technology Cambridge
Prigozhin Gregory
Center For Space Research Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
KAWAI Nobuyuki
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Tanabe K
Okayama Univ. Sci. Okayama
Kataoka Jun
Inst. Of Space And Astronautical Sci. 3-1-1 Yoshinodai Sagamihara 229-8510 Jpn
Morii Mikio
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Tokyo
Arimoto Makoto
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Arimoto Makoto
Department Of Kansei Engineering Faculty Of Textile Science And Technology Shinshu University
Nakagawa Y
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. Saitama
Kawai N
National Astronomical Observatory Of Japan Tokyo
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science/JAXA
Laboratoire Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes (LATT), Universite de Toulouse, CNRS
SUGITA Satoshi
EcoTopia Science Institute, Nagoya University
Tamura Keisuke
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Kanagawa
Prigozhin Gregory
Massachusetts Inst. Technol. Ma Usa
Yasuda Tatsuki
Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Matsuoka Masaru
Tsukuba Space Center, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Kataoka Jun
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
Nakashima Kouichirou
Nobeyama Radio Observatory
Vanderspek R
Center For Space Research
Kato T
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takamizawa K
Takamizawa Kesao
Variable Star Obsevers League In Japan (vsolj)
Kohmura Takayoshi
Department Of Earth And Space Science Graduate School Of Science Osaka University
Kotoku Jun'ichi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kotoku Jun'ichi
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kotoku Jun'ichi
Department Of Physics The University Of Tokyo
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University
CREW Geoff
Center for Space Research, MIT
Nakagawa Yujin
Cosmic Radiation Laboratory Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Physics Department, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Atteia J-l.
Laboratoire Astrophysique De Toulouse-tarbes (latt) Universite De Toulouse Cnrs
Hurley K.
Space Sciences Laboratory University Of California
Matsuoka Masaru
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Saitama
Suzuki Motoko
Inst. Physical And Chemical Res. (riken) Saitama
Matsuoka M
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research(riken)
Sato Shizuka
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Crew G.
Center For Space Research Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Villasenor J.
Center For Space Research Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
Sawada Makoto
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto
Pelangeon Alexandre
Laboratoire Astrophysique De Toulouse-tarbes (latt) Universite De Toulouse Cnrs
Kotani Taro
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Sato Rie
Department Of Particle And Astrophysics Nagoya University
Kagei T
Department Of Physics Tokyo Metropolitan University
Matsuoka M
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Torii Ken'ichi
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
Tamagawa Toru
Department Of Geoscience Joetsu University Of Education
Suzuki Motoko
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Yamashita T
National Astronomical Observatory
Yamada Toru
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Aoyama Gakuin University
Torii Ken'ichi
Department Of Astrophysics Nagoya University
Kawai Nobuyuki
Department Of Physics Tolyo Institute Of Technology
Kawai Nobuyuki
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Kato Taichi
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Yoshida Atsumasa
The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research(riken)
Yamashita Takuya
Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Aoyama Gakuin University
Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Hurley Kevin
Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California
Tokyo I. Tech.
Arimoto Makoto
Department of Kansei Eneineerine. Faculty of Textile Science and Techoolopr, Shinslia Unitersity
- 21pBP-10 符合化マスクとCCDを用いるX線天体監視カメラCCCの開発(21pBP X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 21pBP-8 全天X線監視装置MAXIの突発天体速報システムの開発とその初期成果(21pBP X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 21pBP-5 全天X線監視装置MAXIによるガンマ線バーストの観測結果(21pBP X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 21pBP-7 全天X線監視装置MAXIのGSC装置の観測状況(21pBP X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 21pBP-6 全天X線監視装置MAXIによるマグネターの初期観測(21pBP X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 27aXD-10 フェルミ・ガンマ線宇宙望遠鏡で見た拡散γ線放射(27aXD 宇宙線・宇宙物理領域,素粒子実験領域合同招待講演,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
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- 22pZJ-14 全天X線監視装置MAXI/GSCのソフトウエアの開発(22pZJ X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 22pZJ-13 全天X線監視装置MAXI/GSCの現状 : 来年度打ち上げに向けて(22pZJ X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 22pZJ-12 国際宇宙ステーション搭載全天X線監視装置の開発状況(22pZJ X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 27pTF-7 ガンマ線バースト残光観測望遠鏡「三つ目」の開発(27pTF 高エネルギーガンマ線・ニュートリノ,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 28pTF-5 天体硬X線偏光計PoGOの開発(II)(28pTF X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 28pTF-4 天体硬X線偏光計PoGOの開発(I)(28pTF X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 15pSA-8 宇宙ガンマ線衛星GLASTの地上較正実験(15pSA X線・γ線 : X線・衛星γ,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 10aSD-3 全天X線監視装置MAXIのGSC装置の初期観測結果(X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 29pSC-12 CALET開発報告38 : ガンマ線バーストモニタの開発と観測性能(29pSC 高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 22pSH-3 国際宇宙ステーション搭載MAXI/GSC検出器のX線応答関数構築(22pSH X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 22aSH-3 CALET開発報告30 : ガンマ線バーストモニタの開発(22aSH 高・超高エネルギー,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 23aZP-5 CALET開発報告27 : ガンマ線バーストモニタの開発(高・超高エネルギー宇宙線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- フェルミ衛星がとらえたX線連星からのガンマ線放射 (フェルミ特集(3))
- 24aZH-13 CVDダイヤモンドを用いた放射線検出器の開発II(24aZH 宇宙物理,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 27aSF-1 全天X線監視装置MAXI/GSCカウンターのXe-L殻吸収端での不連続性評価(27aSF X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 27aSF-6 CVDダイヤモンド結晶を用いた検出器の開発(27aSF X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- 22pSH-8 Siドリフトチェンバーを用いたGRB検出器の開発(III)(22pSH X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
- X線天文衛星「すざく」による観測速報(3)
- 28pTF-12 Siドリフトチェンバーを用いたGRB検出器の開発(II)(28pTF X線・γ線,宇宙線・宇宙物理領域)
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