Estrone Sulfate Concentrations, Calf Birth Weight and Viability, and Placental Weight and Expulsion in Dairy Cattle with Different Gestation Length
Zhang W‐c
Rakuno Gakuen Univ. Ebetsu Jpn
Nakada K
Department Of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Graduate School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno Gakuen Un
田中 義信
Nakada Ken
Department Of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Graduate School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno Gakuen Un
ZHANG Wen-Chang
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
NAKAO Toshihiko
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
RIBADU Abdullahi
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
OHTAKI Tadatoshi
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
TANAKA Yoshinobu
School of Veterinary Medicine, Rakuno Gakuen University
Nakao T
Rakuno Gakuen Univ. Ebetsu Jpn
Tanaka Y
School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno Gakuen University
Nakano T
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima Jpn
Ribadu A
School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno Gakuen University
Nakada Ken
School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno Gakuen University
Moriyoshi M
Department Of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Graduate School Of Veterinary Medicine Rakuno Gakuen Un
Osawa T
Rakuno Gakuen Univ. Hokkaido Jpn
田中 義信
- 春機発動前の雌ウシにおけるGnRH投与後の末梢血中黄体形成ホルモンおよび卵胞刺激ホルモン濃度の変化
- 難産、胎盤停滞、およびボディコンディションが周産期乳牛の血漿中ベータエンドルフィン動態に及ぼす影響
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- ウシの妊娠末期における夜間給餌が血漿中プロスタグランジンE_2およびコルチゾール濃度に及ぼす影響
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- Estrone Sulfate Concentrations, Calf Birth Weight and Viability, and Placental Weight and Expulsion in Dairy Cattle with Different Gestation Length
- Estrone Sulfate Concentrations, Calf Birth Weight and Viability, and Placental Weight and Expulsion in Dairy Cattle with Different Gestation Length
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- Clinical Response of Inactive Ovaries in Dairy Cattle after PRID Treatment
- Initiation, Persistence, and Cessation of the Series of Intracellular Ca^ Responses during Fertilization of Bovine Eggs
- Treatment with a High Dose Combination of PMSG/hCG Preparation of Mares Clinically Diagnosed with Ovarian Quiescence during the Breeding Season : Investigation from 1975 to 2000
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- The Effect of Pretreatment with Different Doses of GnRH to Synchronize Follicular Wave on Superstimulation of Follicular Growth in Dairy Cattle
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- 牛胎子の卵巣の形態学的変化,性ホルモンの合成酵素およびレセプターの免疫組織学的発現性と胎子の内分泌学的研究
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- Radioimmunoassay of Saliva Estrone Sulfate in Pregnant Sows.
- Postpartum Plasma PGF Metabolite Profile in Cows with Dystocia and/or Retained Placenta, and Effect of Fenprostalene on Uterine Involution and Reproductive Performance.