Hard X-Ray Investigation of the Galactic Center Region with Suzaku
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published for the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physical Society of Japanの論文
- 2007-12-19
KAMAE Tsuneyoshi
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)
Yamauchi S
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences Iwate University
Senda Atsushi
Cosmic Radiation Laboratory Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research
Bamba Aya
Cosmic Radiation Laboratory
Max-Planck-Institut fur extraterrestrische Physik
Makishima Kazuo
Department Of Physics School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
KOYAMA Katsuji
Physics Department, Kyoto University
Kato T
Institute Of Astronomy Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Takamizawa K
Yuasa Takayuki
Department Of Electrical And Computer Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Yamauchi Shigeo
Faculty Of Humanities And Social Sciences Iwate University
Mizuno Tsunefumi
Department Of Physical Science Hiroshima University
Fukazawa Yasushi
Department Of Physical Science Hiroshima University
Kotani Taro
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Takahashi Hiromitsu
Department Of Biosphere-geosphere Systems Faculty Of Informatics Okayama University Of Science
KOKUBUN Motohide
TAMURA Ken-ichi
MAEDA Yoshitomo
- Suzaku Observations of Tycho's Supernova Remnant
- Design and In-Orbit Performance of the Suzaku Wide-Band All-Sky Monitor
- Suzaku Observations of Abell 1795 : Cluster Emission to r_
- The Origin of an Extended X-Ray Emission Apparently Associated with the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae
- Suzaku Observation of the Metallicity in the Interstellar Medium of NGC 4258
- Hard X-Ray Properties of the Merging Cluster Abell 3667 as Observed with Suzaku
- Suzaku Results on the Obscured Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus in NGC 4258
- Constraint of Non-Thermal X-Ray Emission from the On-Going Merger Cluster Abell 3376 with Suzaku
- Spectral Transitions of an Ultraluminous X-Ray Source, NGC 2403 Source 3
- Suzaku Observations of M 82 X-1 : Detection of a Curved Hard X-Ray Spectrum
- Timing and Spectral Study of AX J1745.6-2901 with Suzaku
- Modeling and Reproducibility of Suzaku HXD PIN/GSO Background
- In-orbit timing calibration of the hard X-ray detector on board Suzaku
- A multiband study of the optically dark GRB 051028
- The X-Ray Observatory Suzaku
- Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) on board Suzaku
- X-Ray Properties of the Nucleus of M81
- In-Orbit Performance of the Gas Imaging Spectrometer onboard ASCA
- X-Ray Spectrum of the BL Lacertae Object PKS 0548-322 Observed with Ginga
- X-Ray Spectroscopy of Galactic Hot Gas along the PKS 2155-304 Sight Line
- Time-Resolved Spectral Variability of the Prompt Emission from GRB 070125 Observed with Suzaku/WAM
- An X-Ray Emitting Supernova Remnant Candidate, M 33 X-4
- Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry of Nova V2362 Cyg : Rebrightening Event and Dust Formation
- In-orbit performance of the hard X-ray detector on board Suzaku
- Suzaku Results on Cygnus X-1 in the Low/Hard State
- Suzaku Wide-Band X-Ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 2 AGN in NGC 4945
- Suzaku Discovery of Absorption Lines from the Black Hole Transient 4U1630-472(Chapter 9. Stellar/Intermediate Mass Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku observation of two ultraluminous X-ray sources in NGC 1313
- Suzaku Discovery of Iron Absorption Lines in Outburst Spectra of the X-Ray Transient 4U 1630-472
- Understanding of X-Ray Spectra of Black Hole Binaries and Its Application to ULXs(Session 1 : Galactic BH Binaries)
- Orbital Calibration of the XIS(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku Observations of Abell 1795 : Cluster Emission to r_(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) on Board Suzaku
- ASCA Observations of the Spectrum of the X-Ray Background
- Design and In-Orbit Performance of the Suzaku Wide-Band All-Sky Monitor
- The 7-Steps of the Data Analysis(Chapter 12. Instructions of Suzaku Data Analysis, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- ASCA Observations of Two Ultra-Luminous Compact X-Ray Sources in the Edge-On Spiral Galaxy NGC 4565
- The Long Suzaku Observation of MCG-6-30-15(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Suzaku Observations of the Hard X-Ray Variability of MCG -6-30-15 : the Effects of Strong Gravity around a Kerr Black Hole
- Broad-Band Spectrum of the Black Hole Candidate IGR J17497-2821 Studied with Suzaku
- Suzaku Survey for Non-Thermal Hard X-Ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Absence of Bulk Motions of the Intracluster Medium in the Centaurus Cluster(Chapter 2. Thermal Structure/Dynamics of Groups and Clusters of Galaxies, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Multiband Photopolarimetric Monitoring of an Outburst of the Blazar 3C 454.3 in 2007
- Dwarf Novae in the Shortest Orbital Period Regime. I A New Short Superhump Period Dwarf Nova, OT J055717+683226
- X-Ray Reflection Nebulae with Large Equivalent Widths of the Neutral Iron Kα Line in the Sagittarius C Region
- Suzaku Detection of Extended/Diffuse Hard X-Ray Emission from the Galactic Center
- Suzaku Observation of G359.79-0.26, a New Supernova Remnant Candidate in the Galactic Center
- Hard X-Ray Investigation of the Galactic Center Region with Suzaku(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Iron and Nickel Line Diagnostics for the Galactic Center Diffuse Emission
- Discovery of a Possible X-Ray Counterpart to HESS J1804-216
- Suzaku observations of HESS J1616-508 : Evidence for a dark particle accelerator
- High Energy Activities of Our Galactic Center and Its Environment(Session 5 : Evidence for Giant Black Holes)
- Suzaku Observation of TeV SNR RX J1713.7-3946(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- XMM-Newton Observations of G32.45+0.1 and G38.55+0.0 : Diffuse Hard X-Ray Sources Found by the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey
- A Diffuse X-Ray Source, AX J1843.8-0352 : Association with the Radio Complex G28.6-0.1 and Identification of a New Supernova Remnant
- Suzaku X-Ray and Optical Spectroscopic Observations of SS 433 in the 2006 April Multiwavelength Campaign
- Suzaku Observation of 1H0707-495 : Puzzling Spectral Drop around 7keV(Chapter 10. Super Massive Black Holes, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Discovery of a Slow X-Ray Pulsator, AX J1740.1-2847, in the Galactic Center Region
- Iron Emission Lines on the Galactic Ridge Observed with Suzaku
- Spectral Study of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission with Suzaku
- Suzaku Spectral Study of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission(Chapter 5. The Galactic Center and Ridge Emissions, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- Discoveries of Diffuse Iron Line Sources from the Sgr B Region
- ASCA Observation of the Superluminal Jet Source GRO J1655-40 in the 1997 Outburst
- Suzaku Discovery of a Hard X-Ray Tail in the Persistent Spectra from the Magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408 during its 2009 Activity
- A New Supernova Remnant Candidate and an Associated Outflow in the Sagittarius C Region
- A New Candidate of a Cluster of Galaxies, 2XMM J045637.2+522411
- X-Ray Emission from Supernova Remnants Observed in the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey
- Suzaku Spectroscopy of an X-Ray Reflection Nebula and a New Supernova Remnant Candidate in the Sgr B1 Region
- Suzaku Detection of an Intense X-Ray Flare from an A-Type Star, HD 161084
- Discovery of a new X-ray transient source in the scutum region with Suzaku
- X-Ray Emission from a Supernova Remnant, G344.7-0.1, Observed in the ASCA Galactic Plane Survey
- An Ultrasoft Transient X-Ray Source near the Galactic Bulge Region
- The Variable O VIII Warm Absorber in MCG-6-30-15
- Partial Covering Interpretation of the X-Ray Spectrum of the NLS1 1H 0707-495
- ASCA Observations of Soft X-Ray Transients in Quiescence : X1608-52 and Cen X-4
- Shock Modification by Cosmic-Ray-Excited Turbulences(Chapter 6. SN1006 Milenium Special Session, The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era)
- A Catalog of Suzaku/WAM Hard X-Ray Solar Flares
- Suzaku Observation of the Anomalous X-Ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045
- ASCA Observations on Two Molecular Cloud Cores in the Perseus Complex
- Suzaku Discovery of a Hard Component Varying Independently of the Power-Law Emission in MCG-6-30-15
- Study of the Intracluster and Intergalactic Medium in the Sculptor Supercluster with Suzaku
- Physical Relation of Source I to IRc2 in the Orion KL Region
- Search for X-Ray Emission Associated with the Shapley Supercluster with Suzaku
- A Spectral Study of the Black Hole Candidate XTE J1752-223 in the High/Soft State with MAXI, Suzaku, and Swift
- A Large X-Ray Flare from a Single Weak-Lined T Tauri Star TWA-7 Detected with MAXI GSC
- Suzaku Observation of the Intermediate Polar V1223 Sagittarii
- Data-Oriented Diagnostics of Pileup Effects on the Suzaku XIS
- Improvements in Calibration of GSO Scintillators in the Suzaku Hard X-Ray Detector
- Suzaku Studies of Wide-Band Spectral Variability of the Bright Type I Seyfert Galaxy Markarian 509
- Spectral and Timing Studies of Cyg X-1 in the Low/Hard State with Suzaku
- X-Ray Study of the Outer Region of Abell 2142 with Suzaku
- Suzaku and XMM-Newton Observations of the Fornax Cluster : Temperature and Metallicity Distribution
- An X-Ray Spectroscopic Study of the Hot Interstellar Medium toward the Galactic Bulge
- A New Candidate of an X-Ray Luminous Cluster of Galaxies behind the Galactic Plane
- The Long Suzaku Observation of MCG-6-30-15
- Suzaku Discovery of Absorption Lines from the Black Hole Transient 4U1630-472
- Hard X-Ray Investigation of the Galactic Center Region with Suzaku
- Suzaku Observation of TeV SNR RX J1713.7-3946
- Suzaku Spectral Study of the Galactic Ridge X-Ray Emission
- An Ultrasoft Transient X-Ray Source near the Galactic Bulge Region Discovered with Ginga(Poster)