Membrane Properties of Dipalmitoyl Bis (monoaclyglycero) phosphate
Ito Kazuki
RIKEN SPring-8 Center Harima Institute
Ito Kazuki
Structural Materials Science Laboratory Riken Spring-8 Center
Ito Kazuki
Riken Harima Inst. Spring-8
Ito Kazuki
Structural Materials Science Lab. Riken Spring-8 Center:rigaku Corp.
Hayakawa Tomohiro
Lipid Biology Lab., RIKEN
Kobayashi Toshihide
Lipid Biology Lab., RIKEN
Kobayashi Toshihide
Lipid Biology Lab. Riken
Lagarde Michel
Inserm U352 Biochimie And Pharmacologie Insa-lyon
Lagarde Michel
Inserm-riken Lipidomics Unit
Supra-Biomolecular System Research Group, RIKEN Frontier Research System
INSERM-RIKEN Lipidomics Unit
HIRAI Mitsuhiro
Department of Physics, Gunma University
Makino Asami
Supra-biomolecular System Research Group Riken Frontier Research System
Hirai Mitsuhiro
Department Of Physics Gunma University
Hayakawa Tomohiro
Lipid Biology Lab. Riken:advanced Materials Lab. Sony Coadvanced Materials Laboratories Sony Corp.
Takahashi Hiroshi
Biophysics Lab. Dept. Eng. Gunma Univ.:lipid Biology Lab. Riken
Kobayashi Toshihide
Lipid Bio. Lab., RIKEN
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