- 論文の詳細を見る
Usually, surgical results of McLaughlins procedure for a rotator cuff tear are excellent. But, sometimes, it is difficult to detect the cuff stump or it is impossible to suture it, due to a massive rotator cuff tear. We reported on the surgical results of patients with a massive rotator cuff tear, which were sutured through the new trans-acromial approach. Five men and one woman were sutured a torn cuff through the new trans-acromial approach, It was impossible to suture the patients with conventional Neer approach. The base of the acromion was dissected with a T-saw vertical to the spine of the scapula. After the osteotomy and the sprit of the acromio-clavicular joint, the acromion was turned over. It was very easy to release the cuff stump and the capsule surrounding the glenoid. After suturing the cuff stump to the bony trough on the humeral head, the acromion was fixed with a pin wire (Zimmer co.). The average follow-up was 14 months. The average width of the cuff was 5 cm, and its average length was 6 cm. The ranges of motion of the shoulder and the JOA scores were studied before and after the surgery. The averages 70 degrees of elevation, 37 degrees of external rotation, L1 of internal rotation before surgery. The average 130 degrees of elevation, 30 degrees of external rotation, L2 of internal rotation after surgery. The average pain score had improved from 11 points to 25 points, the average JOA score was 56 points before surgery, and 81 points after it. Delayed union of the acromion was observed in 2 patients, and irritation of the pin was in one. Three patients had difficulty to reach the opposite shoulder with their hand, one patient could not adduct her arm. The new trans-acromial approach is a useful procedure for a massive rotator cuff tear.
- 日本肩関節学会の論文
- 2002-01-01
柴田 陽三
緑川 孝二
柴田 陽三
内藤 正俊
本荘 憲昭
緑川 孝二
川浪病院 整形外科
内藤 正俊
柴田 陽三
福岡大学医学部 整形外科
内藤 正俊
福岡大学医学部 整形外科学教室
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- 修復不能な広範囲腱板断裂に対する広背筋移行術の試み
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- 骨溝形状が腱板修復に及ぼす影響 : MRI輝度変化による検討
- Boytchev 変法における脱臼防止機序骨頭・肩甲下筋腱間の圧の検討
- 肩関節後方脱臼および後方脱臼骨折の治療経験
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- 肩関節拘縮に対する鏡視下授動術の術後成績
- 透析肩に対する鏡視下 debridement の中期成績
- 透析肩に対する鏡視下 debridement の中期成績
- 高齢者のインピンジメント症候群に対する鏡視下肩峰下除圧術(ASD)の術後成績
- 肩関節外傷性前方不安定症に対する Boytchev 変法の術後成績
- 上腕骨近位端骨折に対する Neer 分類, AO/ASIF分類の再現性の検討
- スポーツ選手の肩甲骨骨棘障害
- 外傷性肩関節拘縮の治療経験
- 腱板断裂の保存療法
- 全人工肩関節置換術における上腕骨骨頭設置位置のX線学的検討
- Paraglenoid Labral Cyst の治療経験
- 肩腱板断裂修復術 : 直視下手術, 鏡視下手術の single row 法, suture bridge 法の比較検討
- インピンジメント症候群における肩峰下軟部組織厚の関与
- 腱板修復術における年齢と断裂サイズの検討
- 鏡視下に除圧を行った肩甲骨棘上窩ガングリオンの2例
- 有痛性肩関節の肩峰形態の検討
- 日本・ヨーロッパ肩関節学会交換留学生制度帰国報告
- 骨移植による関節形成を行った全人工関節置換術後関節窩コンポーネントゆるみの1例
- 肩関節に対する運動療法
- 腱板修復術の術後成績に影響を与える因子について
- Boytchev 変法術後の肩関節筋力評価
- Arthrographic Findings of Subscapular Tendon Injury.
- A Case of Brachial Plexus Injury Originating from the Metalic Band of a Carry Drum.
- Treatment of Femoral Head Fractures Associated with Traumatic Dislocation of the Hip Joint.
- A Case Report of Stiff Shoulder with Traumatic Neuroma.
- Fracture Dislocation of the Shoulder Joint due to Drug Caused Convulsive Seizure.
- Complete Fracture of the Femur in Paget's Disease of Bone. A Case Report.:A Case Report
- Two Techniques for Effective Early Shoulder Rehabilitation.
- 肩関節周囲炎のGd-DPTAエンハンスMR画像について
- Isokinetic Testing of Shoulder Strength in the Normal Shoulder.
- New Drilling Instument for Coracoid Process.
- Muscular Strength before and after Modified Boytchev's Procedure for Recurrent Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder.
- Plantar Reconstruction Using a Latissimus Dorsi Musclocutaneous Free Flap. A Case Report.
- Follow-up Study of Fracture of the Proximal Humerus.
- New Technique of Low Density Shoulder Arthrography.
- Intratendinous Tear of the Supraspinatus Tendon. A Case Report.
- A Comparative Study of Concentrations of Isepamicin between Venous Blood and Bone Marrow.