Chemical Speciation of Trace Metals in Seawater : a Review
- Resuspension : Decadal Monitoring Time Series of the Anthropogenic Radioactivity Deposition in Japan
- Observations of atmospheric ^Kr in Japan
- Database for Global Fallout and Re-construction of the Fallout History
- Annual deposition of ^Cs at Tsukuba/Tokyo during the period from July 1945 to 1997 and ] activity in surface water in the western North Pacific
- Distribution of Radionuclides and Circulation System in the Japan Sea
- ^Cs Observed at MRI, Tsukuba in Spring, 1997
- Estimation of Radioactivity Released from PNC Bituminization Facility.
- Chemical Speciation of Trace Metals in Seawater : a Review
- Resuspended Radioactivity in the Air-Where does it Come from?
- Indication of Recent Deep Water Formation Deduced from Temporal Variation of ^Cs in the Japan Sea
- The Temporal and Spatial Variation of ^Cs Concentration in the Western North Pacific during the Period from 1979 to 1988
- Vertical Nutrient Distributions in the Western North Pacific Ocean : Simple Model for Estimating Nutrient Upwelling, Export Flux and Consumption Rates
- PreparatIon of a Reference Fallout Material for the Radioactivity Measurement (II)