防災利用のための衛星リモートセンシングJERS 1 SARを用いたメコンデルタの水害地形分類図作成について(宇宙応用シンポジウム-災害監視衛星特集-)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The difference of NRCS of JERS-1/SAR is calculated before and behind a flood, the flooded area is visualized that the difference was lower than -1.8(dB). This value(-1.8dB) was defined by field investigation. The flooded area maps of 1995, 1997 and 1998 were created. Flooded area computed by this method was well in agreement with the flooded area map created by JERS-1/OPS(VNIR) picture, the validity of the method shown by this research was proved. It turns out that flooded area is specified to the discharge of the Mekong River. The relation between NRCS and geomorphology is clarified by field investigations, and then the detail geomorphologic map in the Mekong delta was created referenced the relation, geomorphologic map and previous researches. The flood risk was evaluated as four level by using this map. Definition of risk is as fallow: Risk 0 is the area where flood is not affect; Risk 1 is the slight flood-influence area, ; Risk 2 is a place out of which the damage by the flood tends to come; Risk 3 is a place where the danger of flood in very high. Lastly, Geomorphologies were re-classified on the basis of four-level flood risk. Back swamp located in the central part of the delta is easy to be flooded, and its risk is also high. On the other hand, the delta tip part where sand dunes and sand ridges are located could not be easily influenced of the flood, and flood risk is also low. The mapping technique of flooded area using JERS-1/SAR data was able to be shown. When this method was applied to the Mekong delta, the state near actual flooded area was reproduced. The technique of creating flood gemorphological map using JERS-1/SAR data was able to be shown. It turns out that this method is effective on the Mekong delta. The flood risk map of the Mekong delta was able to be created and influence evaluation of floods was able to be carried out.
- 社団法人電子情報通信学会の論文
- 2005-06-22
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