口腔扁平上皮癌における浸潤, 増殖能に関する免疫組織化学的研究
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Tumor invasive and proliferative potential might be one important prognostic factor, and to elucidate correlation with these factors in oral squamous cell carcinoma (O-SCC) might be important. Recently, various monoclonal antibodies have been developed and used in immunohistochemical studies of malignant tumors. When we study the tumor invasive and proliferative potential, not only tumor cell population but also the tumor-host relationship could be important. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the invasive and proliferative potential of O-SCC. The development of p53 protein and bcl-2 protein, and the distribution of Type IV collagen were immunohistochemically studied in 50 patients with O-SCC. The results were as follows : 1. Development of p53 protein was detected in 54% of O-SCC. This was localized in the nucleus of tumor cells. 2. No statistical correlation was observed between the development of p53 protein and clinico-pathological parameters, including T classification, histological differentiation, mode of invasion, and pathological lymph node metastasis. p53 protein was frequently expressed in T1. No statistical correlation was observed between development of p53 protein and a 5 year survival rate. 3. Development of bcl-2 protein was detected in 12% of O-SCC. bcl-2 protein was mainly localized in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells, particularly around the nucleus. 4. No correlation was observed between the development of bcl-2 protein and clinicopathological parameters, or in the development of p53 protein. 5. The distribution pattern of basement membrane surrounding cancer nests in O-SCC varied as follows : continuous group-42%, discontinuous group-42%, absent group-16%. 6. Changes of basement membrane in O-SCC had a significant correlation with T classification, mode of invasion and pathological lymph node metastasis, but not with histological differentiation, inflammatory infiltration, or a 5 year survival rate. These results suggest that in the process of invasion and proliferation of O-SCC, p53 abnormalities may be associated with early invasion in O-SCC, and maintained during the process of proliferation. Also, the distribution pattern of basement membrane around cancer nests of O-SCC significantly correlated with invasive, proliferative and metastatic potential. This may be one useful parameter to elucidate biological behavior. The significance of development of bcl-2 protein in O-SCC, however, was not clear and may differ with the type of organs.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1996-02-25
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