- 論文の詳細を見る
In the parietal cortex of the monkeys trained to use tools, we found groups of bimodal (somatosensory and visual) neurons which appeared to code the image of the hand by integrating somatosensory and visual information-these neurons have visual receptive fields which encompass their somatosensory receptive fields located at hand and forearm. During tool use, their visual receptive fields were altered to include the entire length of the rake. These use-dependent expansion occurred only when the monkeys held a tool and intended to use it as an extension of their hand. These findings may constitute the neural correlate for modification of "the body schema" as a basis of assimilation of the tool into our own body. Also, we found that these neurons can also code the body-image projected onto the video monitor, perhaps corresponding to its "iconic" representation. When above described representations were further advanced, it would become totally free from physical constraints of the actual world to become a "(pre-) symbolic" one to represent evolutionary precursors of higher cognitive functions.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2004-04-05
入來 篤史
入來 篤史
日原 さやか
日原 さやか
入來 篤史
日原 さやか
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